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La alergia en otoño, igual de molesta

Allergy in autumn, how to improve your symptoms

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Although spring is the quintessential allergy season, autumn is not far behind. The pre-winter season also brings pollen, mould and fungi that can trigger different symptoms, such as congestion, nasal itching, watery eyes and sneezing.

The end of summer brings with it a spike in allergies that has to do with the end of the good weather and the return home from the coastal areas where we usually spend the summer. Add to this the fact that it is the time of pollination of aromatic plants such as cypress and that the humidity increases, and you have the perfect scenario for allergies.

In this article we tell you all about allergies in autumn to try to avoid the annoying symptoms of allergic processes as much as possible.

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What is allergy?

Allergies are abnormalities in the immune response to environmental elements that do not pose a serious threat to the body. For example, pollen or cow’s milk protein.

Allergy in autumn, as at any other time of the year, triggers a disproportionate response in the immune system when the body comes into contact with symptom-producing allergens.

Depending on the organ in which the allergic reactions occur, different symptoms are manifested. For example, if the allergy affects the respiratory system, symptoms of rhinitis or asthma appear. If they occur on the skin, urticaria or eczema.

Why there are allergies in autumn

This is the time of year when the pollination period of many plants begins. One example is the aforementioned aryconia plants, such as cypress, salsola, which rolls like desert plants, or mugwort. In addition, the arrival of cold weather also increases the risk of various allergic reactions such as allergic rhinitis or asthma.

On the other hand, the drop in temperature means that we start to use the heating in the house and reduce ventilation. As a result, the humidity in the room increases, which causes dust mites to proliferate.

In addition, there are other factors that favour the onset of allergy in autumn:

  • After the summer, new routines such as going back to school or back to the office expose us to allergens that have been deactivated during the summer season.
  • Viral diseases that trigger the effects of allergies and worsen symptoms are on the rise.
  • Lower temperatures and humidity not only encourage the proliferation of dust mites, but also mould.
  • Climate change and environmental pollution can affect plant pollination cycles and contribute to the generation of more allergenic pollens.

Allergies in autumn: types

The most common autumn allergies are the following:

  • Allergic rhinitis. This is inflammation of the nasal mucosa caused by dust or pollen. Its symptoms are very similar to those of a cold; they include nasal congestion, coughing, sneezing, fatigue, watery eyes…
  • Allergic asthma. This is the most common type of asthma that manifests itself with chest tightness, persistent cough and shortness of breath. It is caused by exposure to dust mites, pollen, fungi or food.
  • Food allergies. The risk of food allergies is increased when eating away from home.
  • Allergies to certain animals, such as pets. Staying indoors for longer periods of time as temperatures drop, allergies to pet epithelia are more likely to appear.
  • Atopic dermatitis. Itching can increase at this time of year due to the use of woollen clothing. To soothe sensitive skin, especially with the arrival of autumn, we recommend Soriaskin.

How to prevent allergy in autumn


There are good habits we can put in place during the autumn season to keep allergies at bay. Here are some recommendations that can help you:

  • Establish a daily routine to ventilate your home. Allergy symptoms in autumn are aggravated in damp and poorly ventilated environments. Bear in mind that poor ventilation can lead to indoor condensation, which promotes the appearance of fungus on the walls. It is more common than it seems!
  • Clean or change filters on heating or air conditioning units to keep them free of dust mites, pollen and dust.
  • Take special care with the cleanliness of the bedroom. Wash sheets frequently, put covers on mattresses and consider buying hypoallergenic pillows. During the night we are more vulnerable to the presence of possible dust mites.
  • Clean dust thoroughly and more frequently. Especially in those places where it tends to accumulate, such as shelves, carpets, rugs, curtains… Instead of sweeping, use the hoover (if it has a water filter, all the better; it retains dust mites more effectively).
  • Watch your diet. Prevention is the best way to reduce allergy symptoms. Prepare yourself for autumn with a good diet that prioritises the intake of fruit and vegetables that strengthen the immune system. For example, cabbages, rich in vitamin C, pumpkins and orange vegetables, famous for their beta-carotene, mushrooms, which contain many minerals and trace elements, and so on and so forth. Choose foods rich in vitamin C and folic acid, which can have anti-inflammatory effects on the respiratory tract.
    • Don’t rule out including supplements in your diet to prepare your body for increased exposure to allergens. Vitamin C, vitamin E, minerals such as magnesium and collagen boosters can help.
    • Supplements formulated with silica improve the immune system, support collagen production, maintain vitality and take care of you inside and out. For example, Silicium G7 Original.
    • Supplements specially formulated to protect you from external agents, such as G7 Defender. This is a specific product to boost defences, support the immune system and promote the body’s natural response to external aggressions.
    • Products that improve the symptoms of allergies such as Silicium G7 Vision eye drops. With them you can moisturise your eyes and improve eye irritation thanks to silica and hyaluronic acid.
  • Stay active. Exercise relieves symptoms such as sneezing and congestion. In addition, healthy lifestyle habits improve your body and prepare you better for more aggressive times of the year.

As you can see, preparing to combat the external agents that cause allergies is simple. All you need to do is avoid the proliferation of allergens and stay healthy and active so that your body’s immune response is appropriate. Enjoy every season of the year without giving up your wellbeing!

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