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artrosis en jóvenes

Arthrosis in young people: why more and more cases and how to prevent it

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Arthrosis is a disease commonly associated with old age. However, more and more young people are being seen in doctors’ surgeries suffering from arthrosis or from symptoms that may be equivalent to this pathology.

In this article, we explain the reasons for the increase in arthrosis in young people, what symptoms to look out for and what measures can be taken to prevent its onset or alleviate the symptoms associated with this disease.

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What is arthrosis?

Arthrosis is a disease that affects the joints due to degeneration of the articular cartilage.

Articular cartilage lines the joints and is responsible for supporting and distributing the forces exerted on the articular surfaces of the bones by cushioning the loads and allowing them to slide and move over each other.

Arthrosis is often confused with arthritis, but although both pathologies indeed share symptoms, they are not the same disease.

Arthritis is an inflammation that affects the synovial membrane, causing the fluid contained in it to leak out of the joint and potentially damaging the various elements that make up the joint. This condition is considered an autoimmune disease and, although conventional medicine has not been able to find the origin, some studies indicate that its appearance is due to toxins and heavy metals.

What factors predispose to arthrosis?

Arthrosis is a chronic disease associated with aging, but age is not the only thing to consider.

These are the most important factors in the onset of arthrosis:

  • Age. It is the main triggering factor due to the degeneration of articular cartilage over time.
  • Excess weight and obesity. The overload caused by the extra kilos leads to wear and tear on the joints, especially in the hips, knees, and lumbar spine area.
  • Overuse of some joints. Continued use over several years promotes the onset of arthrosis.
  • Trauma. Blows and falls can also cause premature arthrosis.
  • Genetics. Although less common, there are alterations in joint shape or stability that are inherited.
  • Other pathologies. Inflammation of a component of the joint can eventually damage the cartilage and lead to arthrosis.

Why are cases of arthrosis increasing in young people?

The increase in arthrosis in young people is due to the following causes:

Too intense or poorly performed sporting activity

According to the International Arthrosis Foundation (OAFI), more and more cases of arthrosis are occurring at a younger age among people who engage in sporting activities for which they are not well prepared.

Amateur athletes have increased their prevalence of the disease. According to experts, rather than the type of sport itself, the cause is improper practice and lack of adequate sports recovery.

Food supplements such as Orgono Sports Recovery Supplement are ideal for cases of joint wear and tear and stress caused by sport. Its formula with organic silica and glycine promotes collagen formation and strengthens joint tissues.

Vitamin and mineral deficient diet

A proper diet from childhood protects against the risk of arthrosis. It is necessary to follow a complete and balanced diet throughout life in order not to increase the chances of suffering from the disease.

Overweight and obesity

Being overweight is a great enemy of the joints, as it forces them to endure continuous mechanical stress. But the damage caused by the extra kilos does not stop there. Leptin, a hormone secreted by fat cells, is linked to joint degeneration, which is why obese people tend to have a higher prevalence of arthrosis of the hands, even though the affected joints do not bear any load.

The more overweight you are, the more leptin is released.

Acidification of the organism

An excess of processed foods, medicines, meat, or alcohol leads to an overload of acidity in the body. The body is obliged to compensate for this excess, and it does so through a process of alkalinization. This process consists of the elimination of basic minerals, and the aim is to preserve the maintenance of cartilage.

To help our body achieve the perfect balance between alkalinization and acidification, it is advisable to eat a diet rich in:

  • Vitamin E with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and alkalinizing action, thus protecting the cartilage matrix. It is found in corn oil, sunflower oil, walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, and green leafy vegetables.
  • Vitamin C with powerful antioxidant action. Insufficient levels of this vitamin have been linked to an increased risk of arthrosis. It is found in citrus fruits, red and green peppers, kiwi, broccoli, strawberries, tomatoes, and melon.
  • Vitamin D stimulates the synthesis of proteoglycans, a structural component of the extracellular matrix of cartilage while alkalinizing the body. It is found in milk, cheese, egg yolk, and fatty fish.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and reduce joint pain. They are found in oily fish, nuts, and seeds such as flax and chia.
  • Vitamin K. A deficiency of this vitamin is also related to arthrosis. It is found in kale, broccoli, and spinach.
  • Magnesium: an element necessary for bone mineralization and growth, for the formation of collagen and mucopolysaccharides, for its role in the synthesis of alkaline phosphatases, etc. Magnesium is found in seeds (cocoa, walnuts, almonds, soya, hazelnuts, etc.) and green leafy vegetables (chard, spinach, green beans, etc.).
  • Silica: of great importance for its role in the formation of collagen and the structure of connective tissue.

Rhizarthrosis: a form of arthrosis that is particularly prevalent in young people.

Rhizarthrosis is a type of arthrosis affecting the thumb. The overuse of the thumbs when writing or playing on a mobile phone, a continuous and unnatural movement of the bones involved, causes deterioration of the articular cartilage leading to the appearance of rhizarthrosis whose main symptom is pain and loss of function when carrying out everyday activities such as opening a jar, turning a key or gripping something.

Early symptoms of arthrosis in young people

This is the symptomatology at the beginning of the disease:

  • Pain after physical exertion and improves with rest
  • Pain after prolonged sitting and improves with activity
  • Pain on getting out of bed in the morning
  • Difficulty or reduced mobility
  • Joint creaking

It is important to recognize and treat the symptoms of arthrosis in its early stages so as not to aggravate the disease and to consult a doctor in case of any joint, muscle, or bone discomfort.

Preventive measures and living with arthrosis

Pain, loss of mobility, and deformities affect daily routines. That is why it is important to adopt healthy habits that protect us or, if we already suffer from it, to follow measures that help us to live with it.

Measures that bring us the quality of life:

  • Stretching and muscle strengthening exercises to help keep cartilage in good condition and increase the range of motion of joints.
  • Appropriate physical activity (aquagym, tai-chi, walking)
  • Postural re-education. It is important to maintain a correct posture to alleviate the symptoms produced by musculoskeletal alterations.
  • Physiotherapy. The physiotherapist is responsible for assessing strength, functionality, movement control ability, and pain level to recommend the most appropriate exercises for each person.
  • Application of local heat to relax the muscles and relieve pain.
  • Maintaining an appropriate weight is essential to avoid overloading the joints.
  • Adequate nutrition as described above. This will increase the intake of vitamins and minerals and, above all, alkalinize the body.

The importance of silica in bone and joint care

Silica is one of the most important essential trace elements for our body, essential in regenerative processes through the production of collagen and elastin. It is present in connective tissues (bones, cartilage, skin, tendons, muscles, and joint support tissues), giving them the necessary elasticity and consistency. With age, the reserves and the capacity for silica absorption diminish, hindering the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid.

Silica supplementation is a very good natural option to strengthen bones and cartilage, which is very necessary for conditions such as arthrosis.

nd magnesium, necessary for the formation and maintenance of tProducts such as G7 Activ+ capsules are specially formulated to nourish and strengthen joint tissue. Their composition contains organic silica and vitamin C, essential elements in the synthesis of collagen, and magnesium, necessary for the formation and maintenance of the connective tissue present in the joints.

As we have seen throughout this article, today’s lifestyle has increased the number of cases of arthrosis in younger people than is usually associated with this disease. However, we can take steps to prevent or reduce the annoying symptoms of this condition.

Knowing our body and being aware of its needs is the first step towards taking better and better care of ourselves.

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