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Blemishes on the face: natural remedies to combat them

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Ageing is not the only cause behind the appearance of spots on the face, although this phenomenon is associated with the signs of ageing. The sun, acne, the functioning of the body’s internal systems or bad habits can all cause this problem to appear and worsen.

In the following lines, we will see what causes blemishes on the face, how to avoid them and what recommendations help us to have healthy and younger-looking skin.

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Why do facial blemishes occur?

Causes of skin blemishes

The skin is the largest organ in the body and is made up of three layers. The outer layer is the epidermis, the middle layer is the dermis, and the deepest layer is the subcutaneous tissue. The first layer contains melanocytes cells, which act in response to hormonal stimulation, light, heat or ultraviolet radiation to produce a dark colour (pigment) known as melanin.

The result can be hyperpigmentation of an area. There we will see that spots have appeared on the skin.

Various factors, such as: can cause the different types of hyperpigmentation.

– Exposure to the sun or ultraviolet light, both natural and artificial.

  • Genetic factors.
  • Exposure to the sun or ultraviolet light, both natural and artificial.
  • Scars from acne, psoriasis or other skin conditions.
  • Intake of certain medications or oral contraceptives.
  • Hormone-based treatment, conditions are affecting the endocrine system, such as hypothyroidism, or conditions that increase hormonal changes, such as pregnancy.
  • Prolonged exposure to LED screens and blue light.
  • Aggressive or incorrect hair removal techniques or the appearance of ingrown hairs.
  • Cosmetics, cleansing and skin care products containing chemicals.
  • Animal bites, insect bites, cuts and burns.
  • Bad habits in relation to alcohol consumption or smoking.

In addition, some risk factors combine with the causes of facial blemishes to make them more likely to develop, such as people with fair skin or a history of frequent or intense sun exposure or sunburn.

Types of skin blemishes

When we talk about spots on the face, we are not always discussing the same problem, although their manifestation may be similar in different cases. Freckles are not the same as melasma, for example. It may indicate that the skin is ageing or results from using chemical products on young skin.

Most hyperpigmentations are harmless, and many forms can be easily treated, despite their effect on physical appearance. Although there is no need to worry about more serious and long-lasting health effects in such cases, it is always advisable to see a dermatologist.

What does it mean to have spots on your face?

Effects on the visible appearance of the face

Dark spots appearing on the skin of the forehead, chin, cheeks, upper lip, nose or other areas of the body detract from the freshness of the appearance, transforming our appearance to a greater or lesser extent.

Sometimes they become part of our identity, and we must learn to appreciate them, as in the case of vitiligo (a skin pigmentation disorder of unknown origin that causes extensive white patches). At other times, their appearance confirms that there are habits we need to change or customs detrimental to our body’s health.

It’s not just a question of appearance. Those age spots on our faces can result from using cosmetics not made from natural products or excessive exposure to the sun without adequate protection. Hence the importance of using cosmetics with natural and quality active ingredients.

Significance of the appearance of spots: what’s behind them

As we say, in most cases, the appearance of spots on the face is a reversible problem. Changing habits that lead to better skin care is usually enough to restore its homogeneous, youthful, radiant and vital appearance.

In some rare cases, a more serious problem may be hidden melanoma, an aggressive form of skin cancer. It could be a symptom of melanoma, according to Mayo Clinic, if the spot:

  • It is black.
  • It grows.
  • It bleeds.
  • It has jagged edges.
  • It features an unusual combination of colours.

How to get rid of spots on your face?

Natural cosmetics

It is essential to carry out a proper skincare routine with natural products that help improve the skin’s depth. Beauty products such as Rosehip Cream or G7 Beauty provide very good results by combining different ingredients, such as selenium or vitamin E, which are very effective with silica, which is the best ally of healthy skin, slowing down skin ageing, moisturising, restructuring and reducing blemishes.

The incorporation of natural cosmetic products into daily routines can be complemented with home remedies to reduce hyperpigmentation, such as masks that include aloe vera, pomegranate extract, beta-carotene, lemon juice, yoghurt, green tea, honey or tea tree oil, among others.

Do’s and don’ts for glowing, well-groomed skin without dark spots

People may need to address the skin conditions that cause hyperpigmentation to prevent dark spots from appearing. Getting to the root of the problem requires prior self-assessment. For example, if it is a consequence of acne, treatment may focus on mitigating or preventing acne and the focus on avoiding scarring.

Where inappropriate cosmetic choices or overexposure to the sun is the cause, dietary or lifestyle changes are needed, such as avoiding the use of tanning lamps and sunbathing in the middle of the day, using high-protection sunscreen all year round and covering the face with sun visors and hats.

Avoiding smoking, alcohol, chemical use, inadequate hygiene, and stress will also improve the skin’s condition.

Finally, focusing on using natural skin care products on the face and the rest of the body is essential. Our health is not only dependent on food, as the body’s cells are also nourished topically. Have you thought about what they receive and how the quality of this supply could be improved?

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