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Blepharitis eye: home remedies to treat it

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Do you feel itching and swelling in the area of your eyelids? If, in addition, you look in the mirror and see that your eyes are red and painful, you could be suffering from ocular blepharitis, a very common pathology, which must first be confirmed by a visit to a specialist, which cannot be cured but can be prevented and controlled to avoid it becoming more complicated thanks to some guidelines and home remedies.

What is ocular blepharitis?

Ocular blepharitis is a pathology that occurs in the eyelid area in the form of inflammation, redness and swelling of the eyelids. They may even feel as if they are burning, and in more extreme cases, oily particles or crusts may appear in the area of the eyelashes and scales. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), this condition is most common in women and men with oily skin or rosacea but can occur in people of all ages and ethnicities.

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We all naturally have bacteria on our skin, some of which are good for the skin, and which prevent the bad bacteria from causing inflammation. However, many people have an excess of bad bacteria at the base of their eyelashes, which ultimately causes blepharitis of the eye.

In addition to this, which is usually the most common cause of blepharitis, this pathology can appear due to an overpopulation of the so-called ‘Demodex’ or microscopic mites, which live inside the follicles of the eyelashes, although it can also be treated thanks to some home remedies.

This is not a very serious inflammatory condition, as it does not endanger vision, but it is necessary to check and treat it because it can cause some permanent alteration in the skin of the eyelids and, in extreme cases, loss of some vision due to superficial keratopathy.

Common symptoms and prevention of blepharitis

The diagnosis of blepharitis can be divided into posterior and anterior, depending on the anatomical location, as stated in a report also published by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). According to expert data, anterior blepharitis affects the skin of the eyelids, the entire base of the eyelashes and the eyelash follicles, in general, the most typical ocular blepharitis called staphylococcal and seborrhoeic blepharitis.

While posterior blepharitis affects the part of the eyelid closest to the eye and what happens is that the sebaceous glands of the eyelids can become clogged.

The most common symptoms of ocular blepharitis include:

  • Light sensitivity
  • Feeling that you have something in your eyes
  • Swelling, stinging, burning
  • Eyes that are constantly watering
  • Itchy eyes
  • Tears with some foam or with small bubbles in them.
  • Dry eyes
  • Red and swollen eyes and eyelids.

Given these symptoms, how can we keep ocular blepharitis under control thanks to some home remedies and prevent it from getting worse? Some of the tips to prevent blepharitis from appearing regularly is to keep eyelids, hair and skin clean often, so the first home trick is to use baby shampoo and dilute it in lukewarm water and then rub your eyelashes and eyelids daily (especially when there are crusts).

It is also advisable to wash your scalp and eyebrows with an antibacterial shampoo. Many antiseptic shampoos can be used on the skin that helps prevent bacteria from growing.

Home remedies for treating and curing blepharitis of the eye

To clear the eyelids and prevent ocular blepharitis from becoming more complicated, several things can be done to help control symptoms. These treatments include:

Use of a mild eyelid scrub

Soak a clean flannel in a mixture of warm water and baby shampoo over the base of your lashes and rub for a few seconds. This daily cleansing will help prevent flaking and crusting around the lashes.

Use of warm compresses

Also daily, moisten a couple of sterile compresses and wring them out until they dry out a little. Put it on your closed eyes and leave it on for a few minutes to help prevent the sebaceous glands from clogging.

Omega-3 (fish oil)

Many people treat and alleviate the symptoms of ocular blepharitis thanks to Omega-3 food supplements or foods with a high content of this fatty acid. These include sardines and salmon, which contain a high percentage of this acid and help the sebaceous glands of the eyelids to function better.

However, although there are many home remedies for treating blepharitis of the eye, it is important to follow up in general and especially in cases of eye sensitivity and allergies. For this purpose, eye protection boosters such as eye drop with hyaluronic acid and organic silica Silicium G7 Vision is an essential booster with proven benefits for eye hydration and G7 Vision in capsules, one of the most effective eye supplements with numerous vitamins such as resveratrol, myrtle, phenylalanine, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, selenium, zinc, superoxide dismutase, zeaxanthin, glutathione, copper and vitamin A, as well as antioxidants for eye protection.

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