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Bone diseases: common pathologies and how to avoid them

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Among other functions, bones make up our skeleton, support the body and allow us to move and move about.

Their solidity may make them appear to be static structures, but the truth is that bones are made of living tissue and regenerate throughout life.

In this dynamic and constantly regenerating process, “old” tissue is removed and replaced by new bone.

While there is a positive balance in childhood and adolescence, as we grow older bone tissue can be lost faster than new bone is produced.

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This can lead to the development of bone diseases or bone diseases. In addition, bones can also suffer from pathologies that can manifest themselves at any stage of life, including childhood and adolescence.

However, the fact that they are not static or inert structures also gives us the possibility to act, to a certain extent, to prevent the occurrence of diseases and to keep our bones strong and healthy.

It occurs for example with collagen, an essential component collagen, an essential component of our body in general and our bones in particular, as it gives them shape and helps them to be strong and solid.

With regard to collagen, we can act by guaranteeing a good supply to maintain bones in optimum condition. Covering our body’s collagen needs can also help to counteract bone problems, for example, in the event of bone loss, which we will discuss later.

Bone diseases, what are they caused by?

Despite being robust and seemingly inert structures, bones are not immune to disease.

As we have seen, bone tissue is alive and, beyond fractures and cracks due to trauma, it can suffer from different pathological problems, including the age-related degeneration we have already mentioned.

This decrease in bone turnover is natural to some extent, but in some people the phenomenon can intensify and become a major health problem. This is often referred to as loss of bone mass or bone density.

However, not all bone problems are due to loss of density or weakening of bone structure.

In reality there are multiple causes that can lead to bone diseases: poor nutrition, genetic or hereditary diseases, infections, etc.

In any case, it should be noted that, although they can appear at any age, as we get older it is more common to experience bone diseases.

What are the main diseases affecting bones?

There are many types of bone disease and a wide variety of causative agents. These include the following:

  • Osteoporosis: this is a well-known pathology in which bone mass is lost at a much faster rate than it actually occurs. As a result, bones become more fragile and brittle. In other words, they are much more susceptible to fractures.
  • Osteomalacia: This bone disease is mainly caused by vitamin D deficiency. It is a condition in which bones are weakened as a result of impaired mineralisation.

As with osteoporosis, bones become more susceptible to breakage. However, muscle weakness, bone pain and cramps, among other symptoms, are also common.

  • Osteomyelitis: Unlike the previous bone diseases, osteomyelitis is caused by a pathogen that causes an infection. The infectious agent is usually a staphylococcus. To be exact, in most cases the infection is caused by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus.
  • Bone cancer: cancer can also affect the bones, either because it originates in bone tissue or because it reaches it from other parts of the body due to metastasis. The latter is the most common situation, especially in adults where it is rare for cancer to originate in the bones.

In any case, the most frequent bone cancers are osteosarcoma, chondrosarcoma and Ewing’s tumour or sarcoma.

How to avoid suffering from bone diseases?

It is not always possible to avoid suffering from a bone disease, as is the case, for example, with genetic pathologies.

However, there are things we can do to help reduce the likelihood of suffering from them, delay their onset and prevent their worsening or slow their progression.

A fundamental premise to protect ourselves against these diseases is to keep our bones as strong as possible.

To achieve this goal, it will be essential to take care of our diet, which, in addition to being healthy, varied and balanced, must be rich in calcium and vitamin D.

These nutrients will help us to have and maintain robust and resistant bones. However, they are not the only nutrients we need to keep our bones in optimal condition.

Our diet should also provide us with sufficient magnesium, folic acid, zinc, phosphorus and vitamins B6, C and K.

All these nutrients are essential for good bone health from the time we reach the end of puberty.

Therefore, the sooner we start including them in our diet, the better. This will help us to reach old age with bones in the best possible condition.

In any case, it is never too late to start giving our bones the nutrients they need.

Another key trace element for healthy bones is organic silica. This essential mineral for the body, present in both bone and cartilage cells, plays a central role in bone formation and the maintenance of connective tissue.

This means that silica is essential for strong bones and flexible cartilage.

In fact, in vitro studies have shown, for example, that silica has the ability to increase the mineralisation of osteoblasts (bone cells).

Particularities in diet and lifestyle


To reduce the likelihood of bone disease, it is important to pay attention to the way we eat and our lifestyle, as this will largely determine our requirements.

If the way we eat (preferences, restrictions, intolerances, etc.) does not cover or guarantee that we meet all our nutritional needs, it may be best to supplement.

It can help us to reinforce our diet with the right nutrients for bone health.

The same is true if we practice very demanding sports or if we are under a lot of stress.

Also if we suffer from a chronic illness or are going through a particularly demanding time for our body, such as pregnancy, menopause or convalescence due to illness or surgery.   

These are all situations where, even if we eat a fairly healthy and balanced diet, it is easy to fall short of certain nutrients.

In many cases it may not be because we do not ingest them, but because our body is going through a period when it requires extra intake, a circumstance in which demand is higher.

Therefore, these can also be situations where a vitamin supplement or complex can be of great help in providing our bones with everything they need.

Supplements that are particularly useful for promoting bone health include Orgone Articomplex y G7 Original.

Orgono Articomplex contains a combination of silica, zinc, magnesium and vitamin C, among other ingredients. A composition that helps to protect and care for the body’s bones and cartilage.

It is also a supplement that provides other benefits, such as improving muscle function and boosting the immune system.

The G7 Original supplement focuses on providing the body with elemental silica, thereby contributing to the maintenance of good bone health and, at the same time, supporting good joint mobility and well-being.

Don’t forget to exercise!

Although diet plays a central role in bone health, it is not the only ally we can count on. Physical exercise is also key to maintaining bones in optimal condition.

On the one hand, regular exercise helps us to strengthen our muscles and maintain strong and flexible joints, which has a direct impact on the well-being of our bones.

On the other hand, doing sport is essential to maintain good general health and prevent the occurrence of diseases that, directly or indirectly, can end up affecting our bones.

Physical exercise also helps us to maintain a healthy weight. This is very important, as it is our bones that carry most of our weight.

In other words, if we are overweight or obese, our bones and joints will suffer more and may become more susceptible to bone disease in the future.

We hope you found this article interesting and informative, so don’t stop taking care of your bones!

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