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Cervical dizziness and anxiety: what is the connection?

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Cervical anxiety dizziness is that feeling of tension and pain in the cervical area. This accumulation of tension often causes dizziness or sensations of movement and instability.

In this article, we explain how cervical dizziness is related to mental health problems such as anxiety. Find out how you can alleviate it by following the right treatment.

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Why anxiety causes dizziness

Cervical dizziness and anxiety are linked because, particularly anxiety, is a condition that provokes many physical sensations. When we suffer from anxiety, a defence mechanism is activated that immediately tenses our muscles.  This tension, especially if we maintain it for a long time, causes areas such as the cervical spine to become much stiffer and therefore less mobile. When this happens, the blood supply to the brain is also impeded, making us more prone to dizziness. Cervical dizziness can be caused by other factors and causes. These include other emotional imbalances, such as stress or tension. On the other hand, certain diseases such as inner ear diseases or musculoskeletal disorders (fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, cervical pain…) can also trigger dizziness in the neck area.

Symptoms of cervical dizziness

  • The feeling of lightheadedness, even if you are standing or sitting still and not moving.
  • Pain that radiates to your shoulders, arms or upper back, caused by neck dizziness due to anxiety.
  • Stiffness and tension in the back of the neck, especially on the left side.
  • Loss of neck mobility, which may require the use of a cervical stabiliser or collar.
  • Headaches, tingling and even nausea are symptoms that can be intensified in some people if they receive a lot of stimuli from lights, sounds, etcetera.

How to relieve anxiety sickness

As long as the cause of cervical dizziness due to anxiety does not disappear, it can continue to appear for days or weeks. You should consult a doctor to analyse both the cause and the most appropriate treatment to solve the problem. In this case, the best thing to do is to turn to psychology. Follow a cognitive-behavioural therapy with a professional who can help you manage your emotions. This will help you to combat anxiety. Relaxation techniques are also useful to significantly improve symptoms such as muscle pain,


Osteopathy is another recommended therapy to treat pain with joint (removing blockages in the vertebrae), tissue (relieving tension in ligaments and muscles) or visceral (focusing on working on the organs, in particular, the liver) techniques.

Massages of the neck, the nape of the neck and the suboccipital musculature also help to relax the affected area, thus reducing dizziness and vertigo. You can even massage yourself, but not in the acute phase of the problem.

Organic silica as an aid

As a supplement to help relieve motion sickness anxiety, you can use the product Silicium G5 Gel, which contains vitamin E, as well as the highest concentration of organic silica on the market. It is good for soothing joint and neck problems.

On the other hand, you can also take Neuro Health, a food supplement with biotin and organic silica that contributes to good psychological and nervous system functioning. If you feel emotionally well, you will avoid suffering from anxiety. 

As you can see, it is important to know the origin of the problem and prevent it from developing into the consequence of suffering from cervical dizziness due to anxiety. You have already discovered the relationship between the two concepts, the symptoms and the most appropriate treatment.

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