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Cold rhinitis: What is it and how is it cured?

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With the arrival of cold temperatures, you may have noticed nasal congestion, sneezing or a runny nose. Do you think you suffer from rhinitis due to the cold? Well, the truth is that in winter it is common for symptoms similar to respiratory allergies, such as those mentioned above, to appear. Although it is not a painful pathology, it is very annoying for patients as it means always having to carry a handkerchief at hand.

This is due not only to the drop in temperature, but also to the fact that the ventilation of rooms and humidity is poorer. In order to protect ourselves from the cold, we tend not to ventilate our homes properly, which only leads to an increase in allergens.

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Symptoms of rhinitis

Before learning about the symptoms of rhinitis, it is important to know exactly what it is. It is a nasal discomfort whose origin can be due to a wide range of factors, as well as being very common in the population and which, in most cases, develops chronically in patients.

This pathology may be accompanied by other diseases such as asthma, otitis or sinusitis, or even allergic conjunctivitis.

To learn more about cold rhinitis, it is essential to know the main symptoms:

  • Runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Stuffy nose.
  • Nasal itching.

Types of rhinitis

Although cold rhinitis is very common at this time of year, it can also occur at any time of the year. This illness can be classified in different ways depending on the cause:

  • Allergic rhinitis. This disease is caused by certain substances that provoke a reaction in the immune system of people, such as dust mites, pollen, pet hair, etc. To help improve respiratory allergies, it is advisable to take natural silica-based supplements, as it helps to increase our body’s defences, among other benefits.
  • Infectious rhinitis. In this case, it is most commonly caused by infection by a virus, but also by bacteria or other micro-organisms.
  • Rhinitis caused by medication. Although it may seem strange, some medications such as aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs for hypertension, antidepressants, contraceptives… can cause rhinitis.
  • Hormonal rhinitis. Rhinitis symptoms can also be triggered by hormones, either during pregnancy, menstruation or menopause.
  • Idiopathic rhinitis when there is no known cause.
Rhinite due au froid symptome

Treatment of rhinitis

If you suffer from rhinitis, you will be interested to know that the treatment of rhinitis will depend largely on the reason for the rhinitis. For example, in cases of allergic rhinitis, the most important thing is to try to avoid, as far as possible, the substance or factor that causes it. However, in the case of cold rhinitis, it is usually very difficult to avoid it.

On some occasions, the doctor may determine the need to administer drugs aimed at relieving symptoms, although this will depend on the individual characteristics of each patient and the intensity of the pathology. In certain situations, the doctor may prescribe corticosteroid sprays, antihistamines or drugs to decongest the nasal passages. However, this type of medication has a series of side effects, so it is best to opt for natural remedies that do not harm the body.

In the case of allergic rhinitis, a possible solution may be immunotherapy when the causative agent is identified. However, the effects may require months or even years of treatment.

Tips to relieve rhinitis

If you want to alleviate the symptoms or try to avoid cold rhinitis or any other type of rhinitis, it is important that you take into account the following tips. Take note!

  • Ventilate the home even in winter to prevent allergens from concentrating in the house. It is not necessary to keep the windows open for more than 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Keep your home free of dust and dust mites.
  • Drink at least 1.5-2 litres of water a day, as hydration is essential for symptom control.
  • Wash the nostrils to avoid a stuffy nose.
  • If you have an allergy and you know what causes it, try to avoid it whenever possible. For example, if you have an allergy to olive trees, try not to be in areas with a lot of olive trees.
  • Wipe your nose gently and regularly to reduce mucus and avoid irritants.

Home remedies for rhinitis relief

As we explained above, rhinitis due to cold or any other cause is not a painful illness, but it is very annoying. That’s why we want to help you alleviate the symptoms with the following home remedies:

  • Seawater. Thanks to this type of saline solution, you will be able to eliminate mucus from your nostrils.
  • Steam. It prevents irritation of the nasal passages and, at the same time, allows the nasal passages to be clear. This way, you can forget about other symptoms of rhinitis such as sneezing and runny nose.
  • Ginger. It works as a naturally occurring antihistamine that also has antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Turmeric. It helps with the symptoms of allergic rhinitis as it has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Garlic. Its quercetin content makes it a fantastic antihistamine, as well as having excellent antibacterial and antibiotic properties.
  • Apple cider vinegar. It also works as an antibiotic and antihistamine.
  • Nettle. In alternative medicine it has been used as an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory.
  • Probiotics. Its properties help to support the immune system, so if you take it regularly, you will reduce the symptoms of rhinitis.
  • Vitamin C. It helps to relieve allergy symptoms and also helps to support the immune system.
  • G7 Original, helps to improve the symptoms of respiratory allergies.
  • G7 Defender, ideal for relieving allergy symptoms thanks to its ingredients, such as astragalus, sun mushroom, oats… In addition, this supplement boosts defences (turmeric), has antiviral power (propolis), prevents colds (echinacea) and supports the immune system (Shiitake).

Now you know that with the drop in temperatures it is quite common to have rhinitis due to the cold, but also due to other causes that we have detailed above. Remember how important it is to ventilate your home despite the low temperatures; in fact, all you need to do is open the windows for 10 minutes to purify the air. Also, don’t forget to wash your nose and use home remedies to alleviate the symptoms.

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