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Find out how to wake up with energy with these keys

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Our habits may be robbing the body of the energy it needs to fulfill its vital functions. There is a sign that alerts us that something like this is starting to happen: we wake up tired. It is not the same when it is a one-time occurrence as if it is a recurring problem. In this case, it is necessary to find out how to wake up with energy.

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Why do I wake up tired?

When there is a lack of energy right from the start of the morning, not only does motivation drop, but this problem is usually accompanied by increased irritability, which affects our relationships with others during the course of the day. Lack of attention to detail, which can be detrimental to work performance.

We should not forget the significant consequences on our ability to cope with physical effort, which is reduced and sometimes accompanied by headaches and back pain (due to possible contractures and bad posture maintained throughout the night).

For all these reasons, rather than asking “how to wake up with energy”, it would be better to first analyze oneself to look for the causes of this fatigue.



Habits such as going to bed late or sleeping less than enough hours, the abuse of mobile devices just before falling asleep, the lack of a sleep routine, inadequate preparation for rest (room with light, noise or excessive temperature), insufficient physical activity during the day, stress, consumption of alcoholic beverages or exciting substances, lack of internal balance due to inadequate nutrition are causes that lead to a drop in energy levels in the body.

Some of the reasons why you might be tired in the morning are:

  • Weather / season of the year. When you wake up on a rainy, gloomy day, it can be hard to get out of bed because there is less sunshine. The lack of sunshine causes our bodies to produce less serotonin and that complicates efforts to get going.
  • Hormonal changes. Sleep quality and ease of sleep can be affected by fluctuations in hormone levels. For women, during the second half of the menstrual cycle, estrogen levels peak and drop rapidly, causing an intense feeling of general fatigue. An iron deficiency along with blood loss during the menstrual cycle can also cause fatigue. An underactive or overactive thyroid can affect sleep. If you have hypothyroidism (when the thyroid does not produce enough hormone), you may feel tired frequently. If you have hyperthyroidism (when the thyroid gland produces too much hormone), you may find it difficult to sleep.
  • Excessive caffeine consumption. The more caffeine you drink, the greater the tolerance to this substance, so you need to drink more coffee to feel awake. Caffeine also suppresses our adenosine receptors, which is what causes us to become sleepy; that is why we feel awake, because of the accumulated adenosine it is easy to feel tired.
  • Alcohol. This substance directly affects the quality of sleep, making it lighter, limiting its restorative power and favoring a fragmented rest, instead of continuous.  Surely, after a few toasts the night before (even if it is within a pattern of moderate consumption) the person will start the morning without energy and thinking about going back to bed as soon as they get out of bed. – Inadequate diet. The foods with which we nourish our organism can influence our sleep, and also our energy levels during the day. A heavy dinner with an abundance of ultra-processed and/or diuretic ingredients will make us take a long time to fall asleep and need to wake up repeatedly. In the same way, a poorly chosen breakfast, which does not provide adequate nutrients or abounds in sugars and processed foods, will make us feel fatigued before mid-morning.

How to wake up with energy?

In relation to habits: DO’s and DON’Ts

Those who are clear about how to wake up with energy know what is good for them:

  • Do sports.
  • Go out in the open air.
  • Eat a good diet.
  • Enjoy the sun with protection.
  • Keep regular schedules.
  • Sleep a minimum of 6 or 7 hours.
  • Prepare the room for a good night’s rest with an adequate temperature and without light.
  • Minimize exposure to screens, especially in the hours before bedtime.
  • Try to ensure that there are no connected devices in the room when sleeping and, if there are, mute notifications.

There are some habits that affect sleep, such as late nights, sedentary lifestyles, smoking and irregular eating and sleeping hours. Identifying them can help us fight against them and their harmful effects on health.


In relation to nutrition: DO’s and DON’Ts

Proper nutrition guidelines improve the body’s ability to rest and the quality of sleep. To adopt them, you can start by:

  • Having a handful of walnuts or almonds before going to bed. They provide melatonin, a hormone that stimulates the desire to sleep.
  • Include lettuce in your dinner menu, as it contains lactucarium, known for its calming effect. However, since it can be somewhat difficult to digest, it may be best to infuse it.
  • Drink an infusion of lime blossom, chamomile or valerian before bedtime.
  • Opt for oily fish as the main food for the last meal of the day.
  • Make sure that you do not arrive hungry in the late afternoon, to avoid a copious dinner.

Those who know how to wake up with energy know that food plays a very important role in the quality of their sleep. That is why in their diet there is no lack of fruits and vegetables, raw or in different preparations, which provide them with vitamins, potassium, calcium, magnesium and zinc necessary for a good rest.

Water and herbal teas favor the hydration of their organism, which functions regularly thanks to the correct supply of fiber and nutrients. Sugars, alcohol and processed foods are not included in the diet plan or are consumed only occasionally.

The secret to a better life

Poor quality and insufficient sleep duration can lead to a wide range of conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, obesity or diabetes. Lack of rest at night has been shown to increase the likelihood of anxiety and depression. These are more than enough reasons to get serious about figuring out how to wake up energized.

Adopting the good habits and dietary guidelines mentioned in the previous section can be very effective and begin to offer good results.

It is also recommended to incorporate into a balanced diet some supplements that ensure that the body receives adequate nutrients (remember that there are many that affect the ability to rest), such as Silicium G7 Activ, Silicium G7 original or Orgono Articomplex. When you try them, you will notice that the functioning of body functions is regulated, inflammation is reduced, and you feel stronger, with more energy. You will feel stronger and more energetic, and you will be able to face your day-to-day life with a natural rest, and your mornings will be different, after a full night of restful sleep.

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