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Flaccid skin due to weight loss, how to firm it naturally?

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Sagging is a skin alteration caused by the reduction of collagen and elastin in the body. Ageing, external factors such as environmental pollution, solar radiation, and everyday stress accelerate the process. Another possible cause is sudden weight loss. For example, sagging skin due to weight loss after pregnancy.

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Whatever the reason, we can improve the appearance of sagging skin with specific natural guidelines. Whenever you can, you can prevent its appearance with a healthy diet, supplementation, and toning. So, if you are planning to follow a weight loss plan, or if you are pregnant, try to anticipate this problem. In this article, we tell you how to deal with sagging skin due to weight loss and how you can prevent it from appearing.

Why flabby skin appears due to weight loss

Sagging appears when the tissues that support the skin – collagen and elastin – weaken. A decrease in hyaluronic acid, which is a molecule responsible for retaining moisture in the skin, also plays a role in this process. The fact is that hyaluronic acid molecules – a polysaccharide – can contain up to 1000 times their weight in water. As a moisturizing agent, hyaluronic acid is responsible for maintaining the youthful appearance of your skin. It ensures its stability, keeps it protected, and constantly renews it.

In particular, significant or very rapid weight loss can cause skin molecules to loosen and stretch, or directly change their structure. The areas that suffer most from sagging skin due to weight loss are the jowls, inner thighs and arms, abdomen, and buttocks.

In cases of moderate weight loss, the skin is likely to return to its natural state on its own, but it is a lengthy process that can make even the most patient person despair. In the case of extreme weight loss, it is almost impossible for this to happen. Furthermore, if a year or two goes by and the skin is still sagging, it is more likely that it has become distended – that is, the skin has stretched so much that it has torn and stretch marks have appeared – and surgery is the only remedy.

How to improve skin elasticity

There are many things we can take care of that will improve the elasticity and appearance of sagging skin due to weight loss or other causes. To firm it naturally, take note of these tips:

  • Tone up to improve muscle tone and the appearance of your skin; aesthetics are important, but so is health. An exercise routine that tones the muscles is the best way to prevent flaccidity. To avoid monotony, vary your routines: go for a walk, jump rope, do weights, do yoga… What’s more, keeping toned and strong will help you feel lighter and more vital and will improve the mobility of your joints and your body in general.
  • Eat right. To avoid sudden weight changes, it is necessary to have a healthy and balanced diet. It is not a matter of restricting, but of learning to eat healthily; recognizing the nutrients that are necessary at each meal of the day – whenever possible – and adapting your work schedule and routine to a correct diet. Keep in mind that depending on the amount of exercise you do and your weight, you will need to eat more of one food or another, and more or less. Remember that certain foods rich in protein nourish the tissues. For example, chicken, turkey, salmon, and eggs; but also spinach, pulses, and cereals such as oats. Soya, nuts, and cabbage also help to synthesize collagen and elastin.
  • Hydrate. Drinking water is key to firming tissues. The human body is mainly made up of water, so the more hydrated you are, the faster your skin repairs itself. It is not necessary to drink two liters of water a day, you can drink the liquid in soups, herbal teas, or fruit-flavored waters, for example.
  • Use a specific gel such as Silicium G5 Gel (with organic silica that promotes collagen production) or G7 Liporeduct (with caffeine from yerba mate and iodine from the Fucus Vesiculosus algae). These gels, thanks to silica and their active ingredients, improve the appearance and properties of the skin.
    • Silicium Gel G5 stimulates cells to produce collagen naturally and regenerates and firms the skin. It is enriched with vitamin E and can be applied 3-4 times a day. For a more intense effect, wrap the affected area with cling film after application and leave for one to five hours.
    • G7 Liporeduct reduces fat accumulation in adipose tissue and cellulite, acts against localized fat, and minimizes skin roughness. It improves the appearance and properties of the skin. In addition, it contains Fucus Vesiculosus which has a cooling, toning, and thermoactive effect.
  • Supplement your diet with specific vitamins and minerals. For example, vitamin C (found in G7 Activ+) stimulates collagen and elastin production naturally. You can also enhance collagen and elastin formation with silica-based supplements such as Living Silica Collagen Booster. G7 Beauty, with vitamin E and selenium, improves the appearance of the skin thanks to these two powerful antioxidants. 

How collagen influences the skin’s regenerative process

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body. We could say that it has the function of keeping all the body’s tissues firm, due to its structural qualities. It also can combine with many types of substances and minerals. For example, collagen combines with calcium crystals to form the solid structure of bones; in the case of cartilage, elastin and collagen form a shock-absorbing gel.

Collagen makes up 80% of the skin. When combined with elastin and hyaluronic acid, it becomes a protective mesh that remains elastic and hydrated. This is why we associate collagen in the skin with properties such as firmness and suppleness.

Since collagen is irretrievably reduced with age, you can boost collagen production in different ways, especially if you have sagging skin due to weight loss. For example:

  • Applying a gel to massage the affected areas. For example, Silicium G5 Gel which, as mentioned above, boosts collagen production and gives very positive results.
  • Including a hydrolyzed collagen supplement in your diet such as Living Silica Collagen Peptides. It also contains vitamin C, biotin, and hyaluronic acid.
CTA Silicium Gel EN
CTA Living peptides EN

Therefore, to conclude this article, we would like to remind you that collagen is the major protein in the skin and that we can promote its products to improve the appearance of sagging skin due to weight loss. In addition to the various tips we propose, we challenge you to try silica and collagen supplements that can help you.

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