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varietà di alimenti ricchi di acido folico

20 foods rich in folic acid and why you should include them in your diet

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Foods rich in folic acid are an essential part of a healthy and balanced diet. It is important to include this nutrient in our weekly diet on a regular basis. Here we review exactly what it provides, the symptoms of folic acid deficiency and the natural products that contain the most folic acid.

What is folic acid?

Water-soluble and also known as vitamin B9, folate is found naturally in green vegetables, citrus fruits and nuts in particular. As it is eliminated through urine, we do not accumulate too much of it in our body. It is a key organic substance for several metabolic processes. This is why we need to eat foods rich in folic acid, given its importance.

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The importance of vitamin B9

By eating food with folic acid, we facilitate the performance of certain functions in our body. These include the following:

  • It helps our tissues to grow and our cells to function properly.
  • It helps to break down and use the proteins we eat, together with other vitamins such as B12 and C. It stimulates the generation of digestive acids.
  • Promotes the production of red and white blood cells.
  • It is involved in the production of DNA, also repairing it.
  • Promotes increased appetite.
some foods rich in folic acid or vitamin B9

20 foods rich in folic acid

In the list of foods rich in folic acid we can mention these because they are the ones with the highest amount (in micrograms per 100 grams of product):

  1. Soya is by far the most important contributor, with 240
  2. Sunflower seeds (227)
  3. Veal liver (192)
  4. White beans (187)
  5. Chickpeas (180)
  6. Spinach (145)
  7. Swiss chard (140)
  8. Nuts such as peanuts, hazelnuts and almonds are between 96 and 100, while walnuts are at 77. Pistachios contain 58.
  9. Leek (103)
  10. Green peas (78)
  11. Cauliflower (60)
  12. Sweet potato (52)
  13. Some cheeses such as Cabrales or Roquefort (50)
  14. Orange (36)
  15. Lentils (35)
  16. Aubergine (32)
  17. Lettuce (30)
  18. Avocado (30)
  19. Melon (30)
  20. Tomato (28)

Foods rich in folic acid such as corn, salmon, eggs, radishes, mushrooms and wholemeal bread are also below these figures. Onions, cucumbers, sardines, tuna, oysters and artichokes are all lower, below 20 micrograms.

In the event of an insufficient intake of the nutrient by these natural means, vitamin supplements can make up the shortfall. At Silicium, we have several useful products for making up the missing amounts. For example, G7 Activ+ contains vitamin C or G7 Beauty contains vitamin E. The formula of both also includes organic silica.

Symptoms of lack of folic acid in the body

If we do not get enough food with folic acid in our weekly diet, at least some symptoms may indicate a lack of this vitamin B9. These include diarrhoea, anaemia (due to a deficiency of red blood cells) or more grey hair. In other words, certain areas of the hair become greyer or whiter. Two other problems occur in the mouth, with ulcers or swelling of the tongue.

Pregnant women with foods rich in folic acid

The case of pregnant women

This vitamin is particularly important for pregnant women, as it plays an important role in several respects. Even before pregnancy, doctors recommend increasing the intake of foods rich in folic acid. The reason is that it can help prevent some congenital malformations in the foetus.

So, also for the proper development of the baby’s brain, we need to increase the doses. The same as during the first trimester of pregnancy, in order to reduce the chances of miscarriage.

Other benefits of vitamin B9 in this female group are that it contributes to the proper growth of maternal tissues and the synthesis of amino acids. It also stimulates the formation of blood cells. It also helps to improve the functioning of the immune system and to reduce tiredness and fatigue. Two symptoms that are often experienced in the gestational process.

In conclusion, you can see how necessary it is to add some foods rich in folic acid to your healthy diet. As we have indicated, it is present in numerous and varied products with which you can prepare delicious recipes. Take advantage of it!

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