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Opciones de meriendas saludables: barritas energéticas

5 healthy and filling snacks for the whole family

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Did you know that if you go for a long time without eating, nutrients in the blood are reduced, and so are energy substrates for the brain and other organs? The longer we go without food, the lower the concentration of sugar in our blood and the more at risk of having sugar spikes when we eat something. Snacking helps you to control hunger levels and keep your body’s energy and metabolic activity as stable as possible. The fewer the ups and downs, the better.

Eating many small meals a day seems the best way to take care of the digestive system, as it avoids big ups and downs in blood sugar levels. When we reach deficient levels, we can experience unpleasant situations, such as chills, headaches, cold sweats… We recommend healthy snacks before dinner and another light meal at midday.

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In this article, we want to share some tips to make healthy, tasty, not at all dull and satiating snacks. You can also take advantage of several of these recipes to add your supplements. It can be an excellent way of not forgetting them and bringing them twice a day, which is usually recommended. Are we deserving?

Healthy snacks: keys to preparing them

Snacking is the number one enemy of a healthy eating plan. Fighting hunger mid-morning or mid-afternoon is necessary to avoid cravings and to arrive at lunch or dinner tired and hungry.

However, it is not enough to have just any snack. We must choose healthy snacks with at least these two characteristics: they must be complete and tasty.

For young children, it is essential to have small healthy snacks. This keeps their brains working and does not disrupt the normal growth process. The ideal for children and adults is to avoid ultra-processed foods and eat healthy snacks without added sugar or fat.

What a healthy snack should look like

  • The most important thing is that it is healthy. This is the first requirement and the one that helps us to eat healthily throughout the day.
  • It must be appetising. In other words, it must be tasty to the eye and take us back to our childhood, when we mostly ate with our eyes.
  • Easy to prepare. Quick and straightforward, which, as you will see, does not have to be at odds with the above factors.

In addition to considering the characteristics that healthy snacks should have, remember that the ideal is to eat every 3 or 4 hours. Therefore, if you eat at 2 o’clock, it is best to have a snack at 5 o’clock in the afternoon. This way, you can eat dinner between 8 and 9 pm. On the other hand, if you train, remember to have a snack 30 to 60 minutes before exercise and choose foods that are low in fat and easy to digest.

5 healthy snacks that are tasty and filling

Below, we will share with you 5 healthy snack options that you can have ready to sink your teeth into. Remember that the ideal is to plan your weekly menu in advance, so you can set aside a batch cooking day and prepare these healthy snacks.

1. Tuna and Avocado Protein Sandwich

Choose rye bread and tuna in water. The protein in this sandwich will keep you fuller for longer. You can substitute smoked or canned salmon for the tuna. Mash the avocado with a fork and spread the paste on the bread. Then add the tuna, and you’re done.

If you have to take it with you to work or elsewhere, prefer a paper wrapper so that the humidity doesn’t soften the sandwich too much.

2. Eggs stuffed with hummus

Both eggs and chickpeas are rich in protein and silicon. Making this recipe is simple, you just need some boiled eggs and hummus. You can keep hard-boiled eggs in the fridge – with or without the shell – in an airtight container for up to 7 days. So, when you want to snack on them, just break them in half, remove the yolks and mix them with hummus to fill in the egg whites.

This snack will keep you going until dinner but remember that the recommended serving size is two eggs at the most. You can also transport it ready-to-eat in a snack box. In that case, keep them in the fridge until you are ready to eat them.

3. Yoghurt with fruit and nuts

Yoghurt is an excellent source of protein and digests very well. You can add walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts and some fruit such as strawberries. You can substitute yoghurt for kefir, another probiotic with many health benefits. Take the opportunity to include Silicium G7 Original. Add 20 to 30 ml to reap the full benefits of organic silicon. It will help you to eliminate heavy metals and, at the same time, strengthen your joints, hair, skin…

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If you are going to transport this snack, it is best to keep the yoghurt separate from the fruit and nuts until the moment you are going to eat it. This way, all the textures of the fruits and nuts will be preserved.

4. Banana, oatmeal and peanut butter bars

Another sweet and satiating option is this banana, oat and peanut butter bars (you can substitute them for almond, hazelnut or cashew nut butter…). As well as curbing your hunger, they’ll give you lots of energy.

To make about 8 bars, you need two ripe bananas, 5 tablespoons of peanut butter and 75 grams of oatmeal. Process all the ingredients to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Pour into a rectangular baking tin and add the toppings of your choice – chocolate chips, nuts, coconut… -. Bake for 20 minutes at 180 degrees. Cut the bars and, ready! Keep them in the fridge in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

Take advantage of the vegan recipe to include Living Silica Plant-Based Vegan Collagen Booster, and reap the benefits of collagen to pamper your muscles and joints.

5. Banana, strawberry and chia smoothie

To make this smoothie, you can choose your favourite vegetable drink (coconut, oats, almonds, rice…). Chia is rich in omega-3 acids, so you will be adding a very nutritious food to this smoothie. Strawberries are low in calories but rich in vitamin C, magnesium, and iron.

You can take the opportunity to include your organic silica supplement, such as Living Silica Collagen Booster. Adding 20-30ml will help your body to boost collagen naturally, which will have an impact on the health of your joints, hair and skin. You will also benefit from its high fibre content.

When you have everything in the blender, turn it on to blend very well so there are no lumps… and enjoy!

Fancy one of these snacks? Join this healthy habit and don’t arrive at dinner famished.

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