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ADHS Intelligenz

High abilities and ADHD: living with double exceptionality

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In the complex world of cognitive and attentional differences, the intersection between high ability and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) represents a unique and often misunderstood challenge. The combination of these two conditions gives rise to what is known as “double exceptionality“, a situation in which an exceptionally talented individual also faces significant difficulties in specific areas of attention and impulsive control.

What is ADHD?

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a developmental neurobiological disorder that affects a person’s ability to pay attention, control impulses and regulate activity level. It is characterised by symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity, which may manifest differently in each individual.

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Characteristics of ADHD

  • Inattention: Difficulty paying attention to details, making careless mistakes in school or work tasks, difficulty maintaining attention to tasks or activities, lack of organisation, avoiding or procrastinating tasks that require sustained mental effort, losing objects needed for tasks, being easily distracted by external stimuli, forgetting daily activities, etc.
  • Hyperactivity: Excessive motor agitation, difficulty in sitting still, excessive talking, difficulty in calm or quiet activities, internal sense of restlessness, etc.
  • Impulsivity: Impatience, difficulty waiting their turn, acting without thinking of consequences, interrupting others, difficulty following instructions, reckless or risky behaviour, etc.

Diagnosis of ADHD

The diagnosis of ADHD is clinical and is based on a thorough assessment of the individual’s symptoms and behaviour. It is usually made by a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, psychologist or paediatrician, who may use various methods to arrive at an accurate diagnosis:

  1. Clinical interview: The practitioner may conduct interviews with the patient and family members to gather information about symptoms and their impact on daily life.
  2. Behavioural assessments: Standardised questionnaires can be used to assess the presence and severity of ADHD symptoms.
  3. Medical and school history: It is important to review the patient’s medical and school history to identify possible contributing factors and to rule out other conditions that may be causing the symptoms.
  4. Direct observation: The practitioner can observe the patient’s behaviour in different settings to assess symptoms and their functional impact.

It is important to note that the diagnosis of ADHD requires ruling out other possible causes of symptoms, such as learning disabilities, emotional or behavioural problems, medical problems or other psychiatric disorders. An accurate diagnosis is essential to develop an effective treatment plan, which may include behavioural therapy, educational interventions, medication or other management strategies.

What are high abilities?

High ability, also known as giftedness or exceptional talent, refers to a significantly above-average level of intellectual ability in areas such as intellect, creativity, academic or artistic skills, and leadership. Highly gifted individuals are often noted for their ability to process information quickly, their creativity, their capacity for abstract reasoning and their high level of motivation for learning and exploration.

Characteristics of high abilities

  • Superior intellect: Highly able people tend to have above-average IQs, enabling them to grasp complex concepts with ease and tackle intellectual challenges effectively.
  • Creativity: Many highly able people exhibit exceptional creative thinking, which manifests itself in the generation of original ideas, innovative problem solving and the ability to think outside the box.
  • Intrinsic motivation: They have a strong intrinsic motivation for learning and exploration, which drives them to constantly seek new challenges and opportunities to grow intellectually.
  • Diverse interests: They tend to show diverse and deep interests in a variety of areas, from science and mathematics to the arts and humanities.
  • Sensitivity and empathy: They are often sensitive and empathetic people, with a deep understanding of the emotions and perspectives of others.

Diagnosis of high abilities

The diagnosis of high abilities can be more complicated than that of other disorders, as it is not based solely on the presence of clearly defined symptoms, but on the assessment of abilities and potentials. Some methods used to diagnose high abilities include:

  1. Intelligence tests: Standardised intelligence tests, such as the WISC (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children) or the WAIS (Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale), are used to assess an individual’s IQ.
  2. Assessment of academic performance: The individual’s academic records may be reviewed to identify exceptional performance in specific areas, such as mathematics, science or the arts.
  3. Interviews and observations: Practitioners may conduct interviews with the individual and their family, as well as observations in academic and social settings, to gather information about their interests, motivations and social skills.

How to differentiate between high abilities and ADHD?

Distinguishing between people with ADHD and people with high abilities can be challenging because they share some characteristics, but they also have significant differences.

A highly able girl with ADHD looks at the bark of a tree through a magnifying glass.

Common characteristics between people with high abilities and ADHD

  • Restlessness and impulsivity: Both people with ADHD and those with high abilities may show signs of restlessness and impulsivity. However, in people with ADHD, these characteristics tend to be more persistent and can significantly interfere with daily life.
  • Diverse interests: Both groups may have a wide range of interests and a natural curiosity about the world around them.
  • Creativity: People with high abilities and ADHD can be creative and innovative in their thinking and approach to problems.

Specific characteristics of people with ADHD

  • Attention difficulties: People with ADHD often have significant difficulty sustaining attention on a task for prolonged periods of time, whereas highly able people can focus intensely on areas of interest.
  • Hyperactivity: Hyperactivity is a hallmark of ADHD that is generally not found in highly able individuals in the absence of ADHD.
  • Impulsivity: Impulsivity in people with ADHD may manifest as making rash decisions or acting without considering the consequences, which may not be as prominent in highly able people who do not have ADHD.

Specific characteristics of people with high abilities

  • High IQ: Highly able people tend to have a significantly higher than average IQ, which enables them to process information quickly and efficiently.
  • Depth in areas of interest: They often show a deep immersion in specific areas of interest and may excel in fields such as mathematics, science, the arts or the humanities.
  • Enhanced learning ability: Highly able people have a greater capacity to absorb and process complex information, which can lead to rapid academic progress in areas of interest.

High Abilities and ADHD, a personal challenge

Living with high abilities and ADHD means experiencing a unique combination of challenges and opportunities. Among the most prominent of these are:


  1. Attention difficulties: People with this double exceptionality may face difficulties in maintaining concentration on tasks that are not stimulating or require prolonged focus.
  2. Impulsivity: Impulsivity can lead to making quick decisions without fully considering the consequences, which can lead to problems in interpersonal relationships and decision-making.
  3. Organisation and planning: Difficulty in organising and planning can make it difficult to manage time and tasks effectively, which in turn can lead to stress and frustration.
  4. Overstimulation: The combination of high abilities and ADHD can make people particularly sensitive to external stimuli, which can be overwhelming in noisy or chaotic environments.
  5. Stigma and misunderstanding: There is a stigma attached to both high ability and ADHD, which can lead to misunderstandings and a lack of adequate support from society and the educational community.


  1. Creativity and divergent thinking: People with high abilities and ADHD often have a creative mind and divergent thinking, which allows them to approach problems from multiple perspectives and find innovative solutions.
  2. Rapid learning ability: The ability to absorb and process information quickly can enable these individuals to acquire new knowledge and skills with ease.
  3. Resilience: Overcoming the challenges associated with this double exceptionality can cultivate greater resilience and determination in these individuals, helping them to face obstacles with a positive and persevering attitude.
  4. Potential for success: When appropriate support is provided and effective strategies are developed to manage challenges, individuals with high abilities and ADHD have the potential to achieve success in their areas of interest and contribute meaningfully to society.
A girl in profile closes her eyes and behind her mathematical symbols represent high abilities and ADHD.

In short, living with the dual exceptionality of high ability and ADHD can be a challenging journey, but it also offers unique opportunities for personal growth and success. By embracing cognitive diversity and providing appropriate support, we can help people with this combination of talent and difficulty reach their full potential.

It is critical to recognise that dual exceptionalities are only part of the rich and diverse range of human experiences. By educating society about the complexities of this condition and promoting acceptance and inclusion, we can create a world where all individuals, regardless of their differences, have the opportunity to flourish and contribute meaningfully to the community.

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