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How to breathe while running: technique and tips

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Do you want to know how to breathe when running to make you less tired? Undoubtedly, taking into account certain criteria before going out to do sport will help you get even further without feeling short of breath. The reality is that when we run it can be difficult to maintain an adequate breathing rhythm.

In this post, we will answer some questions such as: why do I get short of breath when I run or what is the right way to breathe while running? Are you ready to become a fully-fledged runner?

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Why do I get short of breath when I run?


Often, especially when we have just started our running routine, we feel a lack of oxygen and a feeling of suffocation. This is a fairly common problem and the cause is none other than poor breathing, usually from the chest and in a shallow manner. Another cause of shortness of breath can be your initial physical condition, which is why it is quite common among beginner runners.

Shortness of breath can also occur from going at too fast a pace, but this may be due to a phenomenon known as bronchoconstriction or induced asthma. In the latter case, symptoms usually appear after exercise after 5 to 20 minutes.

What is the right way to breathe while running?

If you want your training to be as effective as possible, you need to pay attention to your breathing, so you may be wondering what is the right way to breathe while running. Well, we want to help you with these tips to help you learn how to breathe correctly without choking while exercising. Take note!

  1. Diaphragmatic breathing. For running, it is best to breathe from the stomach as this will help you to optimise your training. Breathing from the chest is completely discarded as it is more superficial and very little oxygen enters the body. In fact, this is one of the reasons why flatus tends to appear when doing sport.
  2. Follow a breathing rhythm adapted to the intensity of the exercise. In other words, breathing cannot be the same whether the intensity is low or high. For example, a good rhythm can be as follows: if you start with a low intensity by inhaling for 3 steps and exhaling for another three steps, the number of steps should decrease as the intensity increases.
  3. You can breathe through your nose as well as through your mouth. However, keep in mind that you will get more oxygen into your body through your mouth.
  4. Pay attention to your body posture. Keep your body straight and your head in line with your spine, being careful not to lean forward.

Diaphragmatic breathing technique

As mentioned above, breathing from the stomach or diaphragmatic breathing will help you to avoid that choking feeling when running as it is deeper and fuller. Before putting it into practice during your workouts, try practising this technique first:

  1. Lie on your back and place your head on a pillow.
  2. Place one hand on your chest and one on your stomach so you can feel the movement.
  3. Breathe in slowly and deeply through your nose and feel your belly move, while the hand on your chest should not move.
  4. Tighten your abdomen while releasing all the air through your mouth.

Although it is a simple exercise, take your time and practice breathing 3 or 4 times a day. Once you have mastered it, you can try doing it sitting down and, finally, while running.

How do you avoid getting tired while running?


If in addition to learning how to breathe while running, you want to find out how to improve your endurance, here are some tips to help you to reduce fatigue while running:

  • Make the stride shorter.
  • Maintain good body posture.
  • Wear comfortable shoes and clothes.
  • Take breaks to allow the muscles to recover.
  • Run in different places to avoid the monotony of seeing the same thing all the time.
  • Try to go accompanied or listen to music, so you will exercise in an entertaining way.

Benefits of knowing how to breathe while running

Without a doubt, knowing how to breathe while running will bring you great benefits, especially when you do long-distance or high-intensity training. Some of the advantages you will start to notice are as follows:

  • You will be able to exercise more comfortably and for a longer period of time.
  • Reduced risk of back pain and muscle problems.
  • Reduce the risk of blood pressure spikes.
  • Increased blood flow in the body.
  • Improves body posture.
  • You can relax while you run.
  • Increased lung capacity.

Now that you know different techniques on how to breathe while running, you will be able to get the most out of your physical performance when running. You will also increase your lung capacity and reduce fatigue.

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