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Mujer con síntomas de depresión primaveral

How to fight the spring asthenia?

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Spring depression is defined as a Seasonal Affective Disorder that appears through mood symptoms such as listlessness or tiredness, which come and go as the seasons and times of day change.

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What is spring asthenia?

The arrival of spring can affect a person’s mood to such an extent that they suffer from what is known as asthenia or spring depression. This disorder is defined as a permanent state of fatigue and exhaustion caused by the change of season and an increase in the number of hours of sunlight. In addition, symptoms of extreme tiredness and feelings of melancholy may appear which, in more severe cases, may lead to mild spring depression.


As reported in the National Library of Medicine (NIH), the concept of asthenia comes from the Greek (¢sqšneia, a: deprivation, without, esthénos: vigour, strength), i.e. the absence of fortitude, vigour or strength, and whose symptoms are difficult to define, because they vary from patient to patient. A condition originating in the hypothalamus, a gland in the brain that regulates a person’s wakefulness, sleep and temperature.

While many experts consider this disorder to be temporary, others see it as pathological. In any case, and according to the Vytal report, carried out by the Spanish Society of Primary Care Doctors (Semergen), through a survey of citizens and family doctors, up to 73% of Spanish adults suffer the symptoms of spring depression every year, and in many cases, it affects their health, wellbeing and a person’s overall quality of life.

Why can it appear and what are its most frequent symptoms?

One of the main causes of spring depression could be due to the many physiological changes that occur in the body to adapt to the new weather conditions. These are: temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity or excessive lighting, as well as some imbalances in brain chemicals, pollen sensitivity or allergies.

On the other hand, time changes interfere with the regulation of circadian changes, and this plays a crucial role in the development of this condition. If, in addition to this, a person does not eat a proper diet, suffers from stress and does not do a minimum of regular exercise, the symptoms may be aggravated.

However, the symptoms of spring depression should not last for more than three weeks, otherwise it could be a more serious disorder or even a pathology. What are the most common symptoms?

  • Decreased energy, appetite and (in some cases) libido.
  • Drowsiness, tiredness and general malaise
  • Irritability, nervousness and anxiety
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Lack of concentration and memory
  • General lack of motivation
  • Lack of concentration
  • Difficulties in falling asleep
  • Frequent headaches
  • Apathy
  • Sadness

Remedies to combat spring asthenia

Spring depression can be prevented. Combating this condition can be relatively simple as long as you follow some natural treatments based on good sleep hygiene, keeping your body adequately hydrated at all times, and regular exercise and meditation.

Following a healthy lifestyle strengthens your immune system, and as a result, you avoid being affected by the external factors associated with spring asthenia. Our body needs more energy to adapt to the changes, because the most important thing is that the body adapts as quickly as possible to the new conditions. What are the basic remedies that you can follow to prevent it?

Always keep your body hydrated: with the arrival of the heat, it is best to drink at least two litres of water a day, or you can substitute it with teas, infusions or juices and juices to taste.

Moderate exercise: The most important thing is to give your body at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Outdoor physical activities such as brisk walking, jogging or other types of exercise such as yoga are good for breathing fresh air and help you feel more energetic. Smoking, drinking alcohol or overindulging in alcohol or stimulant drinks is also not recommended.

Try to sleep at least 7 hours a day: This is a standard basic guideline. In reality, everyone should get as much sleep as their body needs or asks for, but the average is between 7 and 8 hours a day. In addition, it is important to establish sleep patterns and routines, i.e. get up and go to bed at about the same time every night.

Follow a balanced diet: Without going on a strict diet, the most essential thing is to include products rich in vitamins and minerals in your routines. Farinaceous products such as pasta, rice, pulses and potatoes, as well as vegetables, should not be missing from your diet.

In addition, some products stimulate the natural production of serotonin, such as olive oil, walnuts, oily fish, fresh cheese, wholegrain cereals and sunflower seeds. It is also important to follow a schedule in your eating routines, i.e. eat breakfast, lunch and dinner at more or less the same time.

In short, above all, a healthy diet to achieve good levels of vitamins and minerals, such as those included in G7 Articomplex, a complete multivitamin and multimineral with organic silica in capsules that compensates for the loss of essential minerals. G7 Neurohealth capsules, a unique supplement based on organic silica and biotin specifically formulated for mental wellbeing, and G7 Defender, tablets containing up to 17 natural active ingredients designed to support the immune system and boost the body’s energy and vitality naturally, as well as delay the symptoms of ageing.

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