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cómo bajar la tensión ocular

How to lower eye strain: causes and natural remedies

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Do you want to know how to lower eye pressure? Intraocular pressure is the tension that exists in the eyes, the result of the force on the eye wall exerted by the intraocular fluids located behind the iris, vitreous and aqueous humour, which have the function of bathing the crystalline lens and make it possible to distend this organ. When the pressure is higher than usual, exceeding the values established as a limit, it causes hypertension in the eye. This fact is a warning sign that there is an increased likelihood of developing a disease known as glaucoma (permanent damage to the optic nerve leading to vision loss).

With ocular hypertension, the front part of the eye does not drain fluid properly (remember that there are two different types of fluid in the eye: vitreous humour and aqueous humour), and this causes eye pressure to rise. This is measured in millimetres of mercury (the abbreviation is: mm Hg), and the values considered “normal” are all those between 10 and 21 mm Hg. Above 21 mm Hg would be regarded as high blood pressure.

One of the problems with ocular hypertension is that it usually does not cause symptoms, so that it can go undetected. An eye examination is necessary to identify it. Next, the ophthalmologist, with a tonometer, will measure the pressure.

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Glaucoma, on the other hand, can cause symptoms such as intense, throbbing eye pain, headache, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, and reddening of the eyes or halos.

But before we talk about eye pressure and its possible complications, it is helpful to know what causes it to increase before we consider how to lower eye pressure.

Causes of increased eye strain

Age is one of the risk factors, and the cut-off point is set at the age of 40, when the incidence rate of this type of problem shoots up, in some countries affecting up to one in 10 adults over this age.

Genetics also relates to the increased risk of increased eye strain and glaucoma. The same is valid for physiology, as those with, for example, myopia is more prone to the condition, with their risk increasing proportionally to the increase in dioptres associated with their situation.

Six main causes of high eye pressure can lead to a diagnosis of ocular hypertension. They are as follows:

1. Excessive aqueous humour. Aqueous humour is a fluid that bathes the lens and is found behind the iris, flowing through the pupil. Either overproduction or a drainage problem could increase the likelihood of elevated pressure in this area. If the body exceeds the required volume of production or if it accumulates due to drainage problems, we can end up suffering from ocular hypertension.

2. Blow to the area: did you imagine that trauma to the eye can affect the organ and aggravate the problem of hypertension years after it occurs? Some injuries cause this effect by interfering with aqueous production or drainage.

3. Excessive use of electronic devices. In particular, excessive use of smartphones is linked to several ophthalmic problems, including eye strain, discomfort, dry eye, diplopia and blurred vision. A sensation of increased intraocular pressure is one of the most common ophthalmic complaints following prolonged use of these devices.

4. Corneal problems and other conditions affecting the eye. Many states in the eye area, such as conjunctivitis, blepharitis or corneal opacity, can lead to other disorders, such as ocular hypertension.

5. Medical prescriptions: Some medications cause contraindications, one of which is a rise in pressure in the eye. Those containing steroids can affect the eye in this way.

6. Oxidative stress. A lack of antioxidants and an excess of free radicals cause this and can mark the beginning of a problem that leads us to consider how to lower eye pressure.

Some of these causes are impossible to avoid, but there are opportunities to act before they occur in other cases. Minimising the number of hours we spend each day “connected”, detoxifying the body, trying to keep stress at bay, and putting bad habits to one side can have a very positive impact on our general health, especially on that of our eyes. Including supplements in the diet, such as silica, that provide antioxidants and foods containing this mineral is the most effective way to achieve this.

How to lower eye strain

When asked the question “how to lower eye strain”, the specialist often prescribes some eye medication in the form of eye drops, although there are ways to help improve and prevent this condition, which have to do with following an appropriate lifestyle, such as:

  • Eating a healthy diet that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Staying hydrated.
  • Limiting caffeine intake.
  • Avoiding trans fats and processed foods.
  • Seek out moments of meditation and relaxation to get away from stress.

Let’s supplement these habits with routines that promote and reinforce these healthy habits, such as silica supplements for vision, such as Silicium G7 Vision capsules or Silicium G7 Vision drops, which provide the essential nutrients for eyesight and antioxidants in a balanced diet.

Eyesight problems and eye diseases diminish our quality of life and put our general health at risk. Taking care of this organ and preventing the onset of ailments is a decision you shouldn’t delay. Have you already taken steps to protect yours?

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