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How to take Loïc Le Ribault's organic silica?

How to take Loïc Le Ribault’s organic silica?

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How to take Loïc Le Ribault’s organic silica?

Imagen%20blog%20entrada%20posologia%20peq_2.jpgOral intake

The different presentations of Loïc Le Ribault’s organic silica allow it to be administered orally or applied topically to the skin. The recommended amount is 15 ml to 90 ml per day and more if necessary. In general, you can start with 15 ml per day (half a measuring cap) and then gradually increase the dose.

Maintenance intake: In most cases, good results are obtained with 30 ml per day. These results are manifested in different ways, such as recovery of sleep, improvement of the nervous balance, increase of energy, etc. The first dose should be taken preferably in the morning on an empty stomach and then (at midday or in the evening) 20 minutes before meals. It is advisable to keep the product in the mouth at least one minute before swallowing to improve sublingual absorption. Even if you notice an improvement after a few days, it is important to continue taking it without interruption for a month.

After one month, it will be necessary to decide if the treatment is sufficient or if the dose should be maintained, reduced or increased, and if the complementary treatment (with other forms of use of organic silica, drugs or other supplements) is adequate or should be modified. As a general rule, if there is still no improvement after a few weeks, the dose should be increased.

Intensive intake: in major disorders, the dose will be between 60 and 120 ml. Alternation with therapies: genuine organic silica is compatible with any current therapy. In case the person has to take classic, allopathic or homeopathic medicines, it is advisable to take organic silica separately for a better efficacy, for example, one hour before or after taking the medicine. It is possible to feel a tingling or diffuse heat sensation in the body a few seconds or minutes after taking organic silica. This is a normal reaction that disappears after a few minutes. When the tingling or warm sensation appears in a specific part of the body, the area should be considered, as it probably corresponds to a local disorder, known or unknown.

Compresses (liquid organic silica)

Wet a piece of cotton or gauze the size of the area to be treated with organic silica. To prevent evaporation, cover the cotton or gauze with a food-grade transparent plastic film. This will allow the compress to hold itself in the minor joints. If possible, keep the dressing on all day or night, or at least for one hour. It is normal to feel a tingling sensation, a feeling of body heat or cold at times. However, it is often possible to feel no sensation at all, which does not mean that organic silica does not work.


Wet a piece of cotton or gauze the size of the area to be treated. Place it on the skin and hold it for at least 20 minutes or until it is dry. Then remove the poultice and air dry the skin. The operation can be repeated as many times as necessary if the discomfort or pain persists.


In case of breathing problems, perform the inhalation using a nebulizer: insert 15 ml of silica into the mask of the device and breathe in the cold vapour for 15 to 20 minutes.

Vaporizations (liquid organic silica)

Fill a new sprayer with organic silica, which has not contained any other product before. Spray the area to be treated.

Application of gel

Spread a thin layer of gel on the skin and wait 5 minutes without touching it. Then massage until the gel has completely penetrated the skin. The operation can be repeated as many times as necessary.

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