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How to use argan oil for hair: learn about its properties

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Hair care is important for a healthy, shiny and protected mane, but you need to know how to treat your hair properly. One of the best formulas is to use argan oil for hair. Because of its excellent properties, it is often found on the labels of shampoos, masks and conditioners.

If you want to start using this natural product in your daily life, here we review what it provides and its benefits for hair treatments. We also explain how to apply it correctly, so stay tuned.

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What is argan oil?

Because of the colour that characterises argan oil, it is known as the liquid ‘gold’ in the world of beauty. It is obtained from seeds found in the fruit that grows on the argan tree, which is native to Morocco. This plant has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO since 1998.

Its ingredients make it special

The ingredients of which it is composed make argan oil for hair very special. It contains vitamins A, C and E, omega fatty acids, polyphenols, melatonin and plant sterols, all of which are antioxidants. They allow it to have numerous beneficial properties for the hair, as we develop below.

argan oil for hair example with jar and fruits

Benefits of argan oil for hair

  • Nourishes and repairs dry split ends, thanks to the aforementioned vitamins. In particular, vitamin E helps hair look healthier, shinier and shinier. This makes it easier to style. It even provides total repair if your hair is stained by chemical straightening treatments.
  • It acts as a natural conditioner, which is especially useful if you have fine hair. Argan oil adds volume and revitalises the hair fibre. Other conditioners, on the other hand, leave your hair thicker, more compact and straight.
  • Protects against external agents that affect the hair, especially in summer due to the sun’s rays and all types of environmental pollution. This reduces the damage that can be caused to your hair. In addition, you can use straighteners, curling irons and hair dryers without risk after applying the oil, as it creates a protective layer.
  • It makes frizzy hair soft and smooth, if you have frizzy hair, as argan oil for hair is classified as a non-greasy product.
  • It also has an anti-inflammatory action, due to the fatty acids it contains. These soothe the skin of the scalp. At the same time it keeps it well hydrated, which is important for preventing dandruff.
  • Longer lasting colour and protection from the damaging effects of hair dye is another benefit. You keep the colour and shine of the treatment from day one.

argan oil for hair woman pouring on her head

How to use argan oil for hair

Now that you have discovered its full potential, you also need to know how to use argan oil for hair properly. You have to try to impregnate it from the roots to the ends of the hair to make the most of its benefits.

As for applying it on wet or dry hair, it depends on what you want to enhance the most at that moment. In other words, using it on wet hair will make it less shiny, but it will make it easier to detangle and comb. On the other hand, using it on dry hair will make it shinier and protect it better from external agents.

In addition to using this oil in its pure state or included among the components of other cosmetics, you can also take natural supplements. You will improve the condition of your hair thanks to the nutrients they contain, such as vitamins and minerals. They are an addition to the good nutrition you should have.

For example, we recommend G7 Beauty for its content of organic silicon (which stimulates collagen production), selenium (which helps hair to be healthier) and vitamin E (good for hair repair).

In conclusion, argan oil for hair is a great ally for your daily hair care, with a natural product full of benefits. Thanks to its regular application, you can also avoid problems such as hair loss.

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