The brain plays a vital role in overall health, and its care benefits the quality of life in old age. But is there anything you can do to maintain a healthy brain?
Yes, in fact, it’s largely up to you, which is why you need to take action now. Learn here how to keep it healthy, step by step, in order to avoid many problems in the future. Don’t let this fascinating and complex organ suffer damage that affects your well-being.
Today we tell you...
- Why do you need to look after your brain?
- How does aluminium affect your brain health?
- How to keep your brain healthy: 7 practical tips
Why is it necessary to look after your brain?
Juan Carlos Portilla, doctor of SEN (Spanish Society of Neurology) comments that the brain is among the most important organs.
However, he points out that, as it does not hurt, it is common for its essential function to be forgotten and not enough time is devoed to promoting good practices for the care of our brain.
It is even common for early symptoms of neurological diseases to go unnoticed by the affected person and their family members.
Starting to take care of your brain now is one way to prevent such disorders, including dementia, epilepsy, stroke, migraine, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases.
Unfortunately, they have a huge impact on the daily lives of sufferers and their loved ones. It is, therefore, crucial to do everything possible to avoid them.
How does aluminium affect your brain health?
One of the reasons why you should look after your brain health is because we are constantly exposed to toxic aluminium.
This massively used metal, in chocolate wrappers, soft drink cans, frying pans and more, is harmful when it accumulates in the body.
International researchers and scientists have found that its negative effects are most clearly seen in the brain.
Christopher Exley, a university biochemistry professor at Keele, and a leading expert on aluminium toxicity has weighed in.
He and Alfred Bernad, a toxicology professor at the University of Leuven, agree that aluminium is a potent neurotoxin.
Bernard explains that dementia patients on haemodialysis have been found to suffer from toxic aluminium accumulated in their blood and brain.
And Exley says that if aluminium is present in a part of the brain with ongoing Alzheimer’s, it is dangerous. Because it will develop more severe and cause symptoms to occur sooner.
How to keep your brain healthy: 7 practical tips
There’s a lot of talk about how essential the health of the mind is, but not so much about how to maintain a healthy brain. That’s why we’ve put together 7 simple but key tips for protecting your brain.
By following them now, you’ll reduce your chances of suffering from stroke or mental health problems later on.
Sleep well and eat right
Rest is one of the most important factors influencing your brain health, so make sure you get plenty of sleep.
It is not only the amount of sleep that matters, which should be between 7 and 9 hours a day. The quality of sleep you get is also essential to strengthen neuron connections.
In addition, sticking to a Mediterranean diet is a way to nourish yourself properly, according to several experts. This includes:
- Vegetables.
- Fish.
- Fruit.
- Eggs.
- Extra virgin olive oil.
- Cereals.
- Other foods are beneficial for the brain.
But exclude animal fats, salt, convenience foods and sugar as far as possible.
Take Neuro Health
Another measure you can take to keep your brain healthy is to supplement with Neuro Health.
These pills fight against the aforementioned harmful effects of toxic aluminium accumulating in your tissues.
Because the metal could cross the barrier into the brain, settle there for a long time and attack your brain cells.
But Neuro Health is able to effectively contribute to the performance of your nervous system and psychological function.
Its organic silica and biotin content creates a unique formula that reduces oxidative stress on the brain. When taken, you will notice an increase in your energy and mental alertness, as well as memory and concentration.
Because of this, it can be an ally in the prevention of neurological diseases: Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s disease.
Maintain your intellectual activity
As with muscles, if you don’t use your brain, it can suffer some damage. In order to keep it healthy, you should develop habits that influence it in a positive way.
Specialists advise you to activate and stimulate it with things that help it to function.
Favourable activities include reading, writing and some games, such as chess. It is also beneficial to do tasks that involve calculation, memory and prevention skills.
It also helps to get involved in anything related to learning new things, such as learning a new language or playing a musical instrument. You may also find it helpful to engage in manual activities and take cooking classes.
Exercise regularly and avoid sedentary lifestyles
A sedentary lifestyle is a factor that has a negative influence on both the cardiovascular system and the brain.
Therefore, it is very favourable to maintain a routine that includes some moderate exercise, such as walking every day.
One suggestion is that if you have a lot of places to go, try to walk if possible. Playing any sport, and being active in household chores, also helps your brain.
Likewise, dancing, playing with your children or doing other physical movements that involve coordination between the two brain hemispheres, contribute positively.
Avoid stress and toxic consumption
Stress has become one of the most dangerous enemies that attack and causes strokes. The constant tension that this state of mind triggers causes your brain to become negatively activated.
That is why you need to learn to avoid it or, failing that, to control it. Good humour in certain situations, and a positive attitude towards life, is important.
According to experts, laughter can be a remedy and is a great de-stressor.
In addition, avoid toxic substances such as tobacco, cigarettes and drugs, which are very harmful to your brain.
Control vascular risks and protect yourself from accidents.
The heart is closely related to our brain, which is why controlling vascular risks is beneficial.
For example, you should take care of your blood pressure and monitor it regularly under medical supervision. You should also monitor your cholesterol and triglycerides and make an effort to avoid obesity.
On the other hand, avoid physical aggression as a result of external accidents, taking safety measures to prevent falls or injuries in sporting activities or when driving.
Cultivate good social relationships and maintain emotional well-being.
A fundamental part of getting and keeping your brain healthy is maintaining social relationships and emotional well-being.
Avoid isolation by spending time with other people, whether friends, family or neighbours.
Get involved in group activities, social work, clubs or volunteering.
Strive to be in contact with people, but do productive things. Likewise, try to lead a life that is calm, avoiding problems with others and taking care of your emotional balance.
However, if you feel constantly depressed, seek medical or psychological help if necessary. Emotional health is just as important.