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Interview with an enthusiastic expert, Alejandro Pagnotta

Interview with an enthusiastic expert, Alejandro Pagnotta

17 minutos 5328 views

Today on the Silicium blog, we are joined by an entrepreneur with many initiatives. We are talking about Alejandro Pagnotta, a very constant and highly proactive professional who for several years has become a loyal customer of Silicium, and who has made our products known in his centre. 

He dedicates his life to helping and never stops training and researching thanks to his passion for work, wellbeing and giving a hand to those who require his services. He is the owner of a yoga centre, traditional Chinese medicine, osteopathy, psycho-corporal bioenergetic therapy, and a certified expert in organic silica treatments.

Below, we leave you with the interview. We hope you find it as interesting as we do and that you enjoy the simplicity and the experiences that Alejandro gives us.

Silicium: Good morning, Alejandro Pagnotta. After introducing yourself, we have a few questions for you to tell us more in-depth about your experience in this area of silicon in natural health.

To begin with, how about telling us a little about yourself, your origins, and your centre for traditional Chinese medicine, osteopathy and yoga school?

Alejandro: Very good! Since 2011, I have been practising traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, herbal medicine, dietetics, nutrition and even Tuina, the physiotherapy of traditional Chinese medicine.

Alejandro: In addition to this, we develop osteopathy, together with my partner, who also carries out the part of bioenergetic psychotherapy, and both of us have also been yoga teachers for many years, since 2008.  Since then we have been teaching in our centre in Santander. As for me, I have known about silica since 2013, thanks to a clinic in Oviedo where I was doing my internship. Since then, I have been using it in my treatments, together with traditional Chinese medicine techniques and osteopathy.

Silicium: Sounds excellent! We would like to know… Do you use organic silicon in your practice for internal medicine pathologies? In which pathologies have you used it?

Alejandro: Let me tell you, I use silica both for internal medicine and the musculoskeletal system. It’s great for everything related to sports injuries, arthrosis, arthritis, inflammatory processes, bruises, contractures, tendonitis, etc. In addition to applying acupuncture and osteopathic massages, we also work with organic silica for internal medicine. After these eight years of experience with this element, what I see in the practice is the difference in results between patients who take silica and patients who do not take silica. We have concluded that, by treating both types of patients in the same way, they all improve, but we notice a much more rapid and steady improvement in the people who take organic silica.

Alejandro: In internal medicine, we have applied it in cases such as Hashimoto’s hyperthyroidism, autoimmune diseases, allergic processes, Alzheimer’s patients, among others. For example, about Alzheimer’s, I had one patient in particular who had previously been treated with Western medicine through his general practitioner. After a year of treatment with us in parallel, all his blood tests began to improve through acupuncture, cranial osteopathy, and, above all, taking silicon.

This fact has been repeated in many other cases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s syndrome, etc.

Silicium: We are pleased to hear about such positive cases. Last questions, what do you think are the strong points of organic silica compared to other types of treatment?

Alejandro: On the one hand, it is worth saying that organic silicon helps any other treatment you are taking because it will boost it. Silica is an excellent chelator. What do I mean? At the cellular level, it removes heavy metals from the body, such as aluminium, mercury, lead, toxic metals, etc., so it has a natural therapeutic effect in the long term.

And in a short time, silica, being the precursor of collagen, allows all the body’s regenerative processes to improve and be optimal so that all systems, muscles, tissues and nervous systems will improve, be better nourished. Their cell walls will be more resistant so that the whole body will recover its vitality.

Silicium: How positive! Could you tell us about a particular case of a patient you have treated with organic silica?

Alejandro: For example, in the case of thyroid, there are cases of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, where I have treated people without silica only with traditional Chinese medicine (which includes acupuncture, Moxibustion, phytotherapy, nutrition, dietary bone …. ), and I have applied the same treatment with silica, and we have seen that, some patients treated for 20 weeks with Chinese medicine, their constants, analytical and thyroid were being corrected, but that after stopping the treatment, after a year they returned to medication or to lower the level of thyroid hormone.

On the other hand, for people who have taken silica additionally, the improvements came sooner, after 12, 13 weeks during the treatment. Once the treatment was finished, they continued with the silica in their usual routine, and it has been clearly seen that their thyroid did not become unbalanced again, nor did the TCH, etc. I could tell you a thousand cases of this type!

Silicium: It is perfect to know these cases in which you can compare one with the other, as you can quickly see the benefits that Silica brings to our organism!

Alejandro: Yes, that’s right! Whether for sports injuries or osteoarthritis, a treatment with Chinese medicine alone is not the same, which, although it is practical, when silica is added, enhances the therapeutic effects. The improvement is noticeable much sooner, and it also lasts over time.

Silicium: How nice to hear that! If you had to recommend a product with organic silica among the ones you use, which one would it be and why?

Alejandro: Look, what I work with most is the traditional silica Silicium G5 (Original). I use it a lot in internal medicine, and then Orgono Sports Recovery, with silica and glycine, which is excellent for everything to do with the locomotor system. For example, our yoga students take it and say that they notice it a lot in exercise, as it improves the joints and tissues. I also highly recommend the gels, Silicium G5 gel and Orgono sport gel, for topical use and inflammatory processes.

Silicium: To conclude the interview Alejandro, how would you encourage people who have ailments of this kind but are not yet taking silicon to start adding it to their routines?

Alejandro: I took it personally for eight years when I discovered it, and my whole family has not stopped taking it. Moreover, when we apply it in the clinic and see the improvements in people and the feedback people give you, we know that it is a product that feels very good. That has no contraindications, and that you can take it for years without interruption, and it continues to feel very good.

For example, many women of menopausal age, or in the process of osteoporosis, have also improved a lot, especially in their bone density, and they notice it. Silica combined with a good diet makes the body balanced, a state of health in which the systems work well, the immune system is boosted, you feel more resistant, more vital?

And this is a physical and mental state in which we all like to be!

Silicium: Of course, we all like it.

Alejandro: What else can I tell you? People who take silicon are very, very happy in that sense!

Silicium: Very good Alejandro! So much for today’s interview. Thank you very much for sharing your experiences with silicon with us. It is very gratifying to see that many people improve with this essential trace element, so well, we hope that maybe later we can make some other small collaboration or that you tell us more cases.

Alejandro: Ugh, there are so many cases! The list is very long, but in short, all the people who have undergone a combined treatment with silica and Chinese medicine are pleased!

Silicium: We are delighted! Thank you very much again Alejandro.

Alejandro: Excellent, thanks to you!

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