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El ardor o acidez estomacal es un síntoma frecuente de los nervios en el estómago

Nerves in the stomach: symptoms and effective treatments

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Nervous stomach upset, also known as nervous gastritis, is a common problem that affects many people. This condition manifests itself with symptoms such as lack of appetite, heartburn, stomach discomfort, pain, nausea, and gas and is closely linked to stress and anxiety. If you have this condition and want to find effective solutions to this problem, understanding the relationship between our emotions and digestive health is essential. 

 What are stomach nerves?

Nervous stomach, or nervous gastritis, refers to gastrointestinal discomfort caused by stress and anxiety. This condition manifests through symptoms such as burning, pain, nausea and general discomfort in the stomach region.

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Stress and anxiety trigger a response in the autonomic nervous system, especially through the vagus nerve, which plays a major role in regulating the digestive system. The vagus nerve can alter gastrointestinal motility and acid secretion when stressed, contributing to uncomfortable digestive symptoms.

In addition, chronic stress can lead to increased production of cortisol, a hormone that can aggravate inflammation and stomach discomfort. This link between stress and digestion highlights the importance of properly managing stress to maintain good digestive and overall health.

  Common symptoms of nerves in the stomach

Nerves in the stomach can manifest themselves through a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. One of the most common is a lack of appetite. When stressed, our body releases cortisol and adrenaline, hormones that prepare the body for a fight or flight response, which can significantly reduce appetite.

Heartburn is another common symptom. Stress can increase stomach acid production, leading to a burning sensation in the oesophagus and stomach. In addition, constant tension can cause generalised stomach discomfort, as stress slows digestion, causing a persistent feeling of discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen.

Stomach pain, especially in the epigastric region, is also common. This pain is due to the body’s response to stress, which can cause muscle spasms in the stomach and intestines. Anxiety can also trigger nausea, a feeling that the stomach is upset or closed, which is particularly uncomfortable in stressful situations.

Finally, gas and flatulence are also common symptoms caused by inefficient digestion. Stress can disrupt gastrointestinal motility, resulting in a build-up of gas that causes bloating and abdominal discomfort. Managing these symptoms involves addressing the underlying stress and adopting healthy digestion habits.

Chronic stress can aggravate symptoms of stomach nerves

 Causes of stomach nerves

Several factors can cause nerves in the stomach, although stress and anxiety are the main ones. To begin with, it is worth noting the impact of chronic stress on the digestive system. When a person is constantly stressed, his or her body remains alert, releasing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones negatively affect the digestive system, slowing digestion, increasing stomach acid production and causing inflammation, leading to gastrointestinal symptoms.

Immediate worries also play a key role in the onset of stomach nerves. Any stressful situation can trigger an acute stress response in the body. This response can quickly manifest itself with symptoms such as stomach upset, nausea and heartburn.

One should not lose sight of the fact that continuous states of anxiety have a cumulative effect on digestive health. Prolonged anxiety keeps the body in a constant state of tension. This affects gastrointestinal motility and disrupts the balance of gut bacteria. This constant stress can lead to chronic digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and nervous gastritis. In addition, chronic anxiety can weaken the immune system, making the body more susceptible to infections and other digestive health problems. 

 Treatments and recommendations

To relieve the nerves in your stomach, you must deal with emotional stress and lifestyle habits. Hence, it is important to start with emotional management. Techniques such as meditation and deep breathing are very effective in reducing stress. These methods help to calm the mind and decrease the production of stress hormones such as cortisol, thus promoting better digestive health.

On the other hand, therapy, especially cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), is highly beneficial for managing anxiety and stress. CBT provides tools and strategies to change negative thought patterns and reduce the emotional stress response, which can significantly reduce gastrointestinal symptoms.

In addition, you should adopt healthy lifestyle habits, which are crucial in stress management. Maintaining a balanced daily routine, including regular eating, sleeping, and activity, helps stabilise the body and mind. This balance helps minimise the effects of stress on the digestive system.

Natural remedies to soothe stomach nerves

Several natural remedies can help soothe stomach nerves. Soothing herbal teas, such as chamomile, lime, and anise, are known for their soothing properties. Chamomile helps reduce inflammation and soothe an upset stomach, while lime blossom and anise effectively relieve tension and gas.

Another simple and effective remedy is to apply a hot water bottle to the abdomen. The heat helps to relax the stomach muscles, relieving pain and discomfort. This method can also improve blood circulation in the area, facilitating better digestion.

In addition, other natural remedies, such as essential oils,can be beneficial. Peppermint oil, for example, has antispasmodic properties that can help relieve colic and stomach upset. Other oils, such as lavender, can be used for aromatherapy, helping to reduce stress and anxiety and improving digestive health.

Emotional management is essential to alleviate nervousness in the stomach.

Recover your wellbeing: keys to soothe your stomach nerves

Managing nerves in the stomach is not a simple task, but it is fundamental to improving our quality of life and overall well-being. The connection between our mind and our digestive system is powerful; when we feel anxious or stressed, our stomach responds with uncomfortable symptoms that can affect our daily activities.

Adopting a holistic approach that includes emotional management and lifestyle changes is essential to combating this condition. 

Remember, caring for our mental health is as important as physical health. If you feel that the nerves in your stomach are significantly affecting your life, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. You can regain your balance and enjoy a calmer, healthier life with patience and the right strategies.

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