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Aceite de oliva para dermatitis atópica, cómo utilizarlo

Olive oil for atopic dermatitis – does it work?

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Although each person is unique and, therefore, so is their skin, there are certain skin diseases, such as atopic dermatitis, that cause sufferers to have dry skin due to lipid deficiency and lack of moisture.

People of all ages can also suffer from atopic skin. However, it is more common among people who have allergies and suffer from rhinitis.

In this article, we tell you how you can use olive oil for atopic dermatitis and other remedies that can help improve the appearance of your skin and reduce itching.

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What is atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis, also known as eczema, is a chronic inflammation of the superficial layers of the skin, which also presents red and itchy rashes.

It is one of the most common skin diseases, especially in urban areas of developed countries. It can appear at any age; many people develop it before one year. However, it can also occur in adulthood.

It is not an allergy to any particular substance but a genetic defect in the skin barrier that predisposes the skin to inflammation.

To prevent atopic skin, you can follow specific guidelines such as a good diet and healthy lifestyle habits and use personal care products with as many natural ingredients as possible. This is why olive oil can be a great ally.

Why use olive oil for atopic dermatitis?

Olive oil is a vegetable oil mainly used for culinary purposes, although it is increasingly used for cosmetic purposes. Olive oil is obtained from the fruit of the olive tree, which we call olive.

Olive oil comprises oleic acid, linoleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid and linoleic acid. Vitamins E and K.

The ancient Egyptians already used olive oil as a balm. They did so after using ashes or clays to purify their skin. Olive oil protects the skin from external factors and promotes cell regeneration, as it acts as an emollient thanks to its fatty acids.

Athletes in classical antiquity, for example, used olive oil to protect their skin from the sun, heat and falls. Since immemorial, humanity has used olive oil to make balms, plasters, ointments, salves and poultices for burns, calluses, wounds, and even sprains and dislocations.

Benefits of the cosmetic use of olive oil

  • Prevents water loss
  • Protects against external agents
  • Prevents premature ageing
  • Cleanses the skin, including make-up
  • Healing wounds

You can use it as a pre-shower cleanser, as a soothing agent in times of severe itching and regenerate areas affected by eczema that may have been injured.

Moisturising the skin is the key to fighting atopic dermatitis

The best remedy to prevent the worsening of the area inflamed by eczema is to moisturise the skin. It is also important not to scratch the rash.

Soaps can remove oil from the skin, so if you have atopic skin, we recommend that you do not use soap when showering. Instead, choose a mild soap-free cleanser that is kind to your skin, such as a shower oil.

Once you have showered, moisturise your skin with a cream specifically for atopic skin. To soothe dry, irritated and flaky skin, you can try Soriaskin Gel. This silicon cream is perfect for sore, itchy skin that is prone to dryness and flaking. It helps to protect and regenerate the skin. To improve the results, you can complement it with Silicium G5 Siliplant, which contributes to the good health of your skin.

In addition, you can complement your atopic skincare routine with other complementary treatments:

  • Apply olive oil when you have an outbreak and redness and itching appear. Use extra virgin olive oil of the best possible quality.
  • Eat foods rich in vitamins A, E and K, as well as omega-3 fatty acids. Fresh fruit also helps and especially extra virgin olive oil. Bear in mind that a poor diet and unhealthy habits cause the intestine to become permeable; toxins pass into our bloodstream, causing inflammation and provoking reactions such as atopic dermatitis. In addition, intestinal permeability also favours the appearance of allergies and intolerances.
  • Avoid bad habits such as excessive sunbathing, smoking, drinking sodas and sugary drinks, fried and processed foods…
  • Hydrate on the outside but also the inside.
  • Include supplements in your diet that improve the health of your skin, such as silicon, which promotes collagen production and keeps skin smooth and youthful.
    • G7 Beauty capsules are a silicon-based food supplement enriched with vitamin E and selenium, two powerful antioxidants. These ingredients are specially designed to maintain the beauty of skin, nails and hair. It moisturises and restructures the skin and reduces facial blemishes caused by UV rays.
    • Living Silica Collagen Booster is a combination of two types of organic silicon – orthosilicic acid and monomethylsilanotriol – particularly suitable for removing aluminium from the tissues and brain and improving the appearance of skin and nails. If you take care of yourself inside, it will show on the outside.

As you can see, healthy lifestyle habits, exceptional hygiene and moisturising routine for atopic skin, and using natural remedies can help you improve the discomfort caused by atopic skin. The use of olive oil for atopic dermatitis can help you, but comprehensive care of your body, both inside and out, will be key to maintaining the good health of all your tissues.

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