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Receta Hummus de guisantes

Pea hummus: healthy recipe step by step

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Hummus-based recipes, as well as being very easy to prepare, are healthy and provide nutrients necessary for the body, making them an ideal snack, starter or cold food to nibble on or accompany any main dish during the summer months. How can we easily and quickly prepare a delicious green or pea hummus, step by step?

What should be included in a good hummus?

Hummus is a food preparation of Arab origin, although some say it dates back to ancient Egypt and consists of a dip or thick sauce spread on bread or to be eaten on its own, made from a mixture, usually of cooked chickpeas, olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, various spices and tahini or ground sesame seeds.

And although the most traditional hummus recipe is prepared with ground chickpeas, its popularity has led to other versions of hummus being prepared with legumes such as peas, which are certainly just as delicious!

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It is a fairly complete and versatile food as it contains a number of basic nutrients, including protein, as well as having a number of health benefits as it is made from 100% natural and wholesome ingredients. A study published in the National Library of Medicine (NIH) showed how regular consumers of hummus scored much higher than other participants on the 2005 Healthy Eating Index (HEI-2005) compared to other spreads and pasta, as well as playing an important role in weight control and glucose and insulin regulation, and good for some cardiovascular diseases.

The same report also explains how raw or cooked chickpeas ground into hummus also contain dietary bio actives such as sterols, phytic acid, tannins or carotenoids and other polyphenols such as isoflavones, the benefits of which may extend beyond basic human nutritional requirements.

What types of healthy hummus are there?

In reality, nowadays hummus can be prepared with any legume, as the only difference between one or the other lies in the type of legume that is most to one’s taste or choice. It is even possible to prepare a single main dish based on a delicious and varied table of different hummus.

Among the most popular and outstanding types of hummus, we can find carrots, beetroot, avocado, turmeric, garlic, beans, broad beans, broad beans, of course, the traditional chickpea hummus and the hummus for which we are going to explain the recipe step by step: pea hummus.

In addition, and as reported in another research published in the scientific journal ScienceDirect, there is a growing consumer interest in hummus given the global trend and greater focus on sustainability, organic and healthy eating, and overall health consciousness, so the launch of plant-based food products and, if possible, produced locally has gained much commercial interest, hence the variety of hummus is found in the different types of legumes that exist and the creative ability of who is going to prepare the dish.

Simple pea hummus recipe

To make pea hummus, all you need is about ten minutes of your time to gather the ingredients and do it step-by-step as follows:

What will you need for a pea hummus for two people?

  • 2 medium cups of peas, fresh if possible, or frozen.
  • lemon juice
  • a clove of garlic
  • 2 teaspoons of taino
  • 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil
  • one teaspoon of fresh coriander
  • Ground cumin
  • Salt

How to make pea hummus step by step?

 Whether your peas are frozen or fresh, the first thing to do is to steam them a little so that they become soft before you start shredding them.

Once they are soft, put them in a blender and blend them until you see that the sauce is thick, like a cream.

Add a splash of extra virgin olive oil, then add the above ingredients and adjust the quantity to taste.

If you think it is too thick, you can always add a little water, although this is also up to the taste of the person, leave it to rest in the fridge for an hour and that’s it! That’s how easy and quick it is to make pea hummus!

In short, the consumption of hummus is very beneficial for health as it is a good source of vitamins, fibre and minerals such as copper, zinc, manganese, iron or folic acid, therefore an essential food for the control of a healthy diet and cholesterol control, which together with a good reinforcement of organic silicon capsules G7 Orgono Col with Omega-3, monacolin K and grape extract that contribute to good cardiovascular health or G7 Defender capsules with up to 17 natural active ingredients against external aggressions.

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