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Probiotic foods: What are they and what are their benefits?

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To take care of the intestinal flora, i.e. the bacteria that reside in the intestines and are responsible for the digestive process, it is necessary to take probiotic foods that help us to keep it in perfect condition.

Sometimes, due to the pace of life, a poor diet, illnesses such as gastroenteritis, or taking certain medications such as antibiotics, can lead to an imbalance in the intestinal flora. One way to restore it is through the probiotics present in a multitude of foods.

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In this post, we will find out exactly what they are, the benefits they bring to the body and 8 probiotic foods you can’t miss in your diet.

What are probiotic foods and what are their benefits?


The digestive system contains bacteria that help digestion and process the nutrients the body needs. In order to function properly, the intestinal flora needs to be in balance. When this balance is disrupted, it can trigger a range of problems, such as diarrhoea, bloating, gas, constipation, abdominal pain, and other problems that can occur.

 Probiotics help to restore the state of the microbiota.

Therefore, after an illness such as gastroenteritis or the use of antibiotics, it is advisable to take probiotics to restore the health of the intestinal flora. But you can also help your body by incorporating probiotic foods into your diet, i.e. products that help restore the microbiota.

Although the main advantage of probiotic foods is the improvement of the intestinal flora, other benefits can also be found, such as:

  • It prevents the proliferation of bacteria that can harm the body.
  • Cholesterol control.
  • Improves digestive problems such as diarrhoea and constipation.
  • It helps prevent heart problems, obesity, food intolerances and allergies.
  • Improves irritable bowel or Chron’s disease.
  • Contributes to easier assimilation of nutrients such as iron, calcium and vitamin B12.
  • It fights diseases such as candidiasis, haemorrhoids or urinary tract infection.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Facilitates the digestion of lactose.
  • Improves depression and anxiety.

What foods are rich in probiotics?


Nowadays, you can find probiotic foods easily, simply by going to your local supermarket and buying products that will help you to keep your intestinal flora in balance. However, if this is not enough, or if the problem persists, you can always take probiotic supplements to restore the microbiota.

If you want your gut flora to function properly, these probiotic foods are a must-have in your pantry – take note!

  • Natural yoghurt, undoubtedly one of the easiest probiotic foods to obtain. It stands out for its calcium and protein content.
  • Kefir, very similar to yoghurt, is a fermented product that provides yeast and bacteria ideal for restoring the intestinal flora. It is also very easy to find in any supermarket nowadays.
  • Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage leaves and is noted for its ability to produce lactic acid. It contains vitamin C, folic acid, fibre and iron.
  • Pickles have large amounts of natural probiotics.
  • Kombucha, a natural refreshment made from fermented tea, has great probiotic properties. It has also become fashionable in recent years and is readily available. This food provides large amounts of B vitamins, especially B12, folic acid, iron and calcium.
  • Miso or fermented soybeans, very typical of Japanese food, can be used in soups, scrambled eggs, meat or fish.
  • Sourdough is a live culture obtained by fermenting cereals and is used to make biscuits and bread.
  • Some cheeses may contain probiotic properties, such as Roquefort or Cabrales, but they can also be found in mozzarella, cheddar or fresh cheese.

Why should I take probiotic foods?


If you do not know whether it is time to include probiotic foods in your diet, you should pay attention to some of the most common symptoms: constipation, heartburn, disturbed sleep, abdominal bloating, excessive tiredness… Stress, lack of rest, sugary and ultra-processed foods, as well as taking antibiotics are among the causes that could alter the microbiota.

Undoubtedly, even if you are healthy and, right now, you do not have these symptoms, it is much better to prevent them by including these products in our daily diet than to tackle the problem when we are already suffering from it.

For example, one way to introduce probiotics into our diet is with the acacia fibre found in natural supplements such as Living Silica Plant-Based Vegan Collagen Booster or Living Silica Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides.

Now that you know what they are for, don’t forget to include probiotic foods in your diet. This way, you will restore your intestinal flora, strengthen your immune system, prevent cardiovascular diseases, facilitate the assimilation of nutrients, among many others.

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