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Sun-peeled skin: everything you need to know

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The skin is our most excellent protective shield, as it covers our body and acts as a barrier against many external aggressions, including solar radiation.

Although it is necessary and healthy to expose ourselves to the sun, we must do so in the right measure and in the right way, as solar radiation can cause loss of the epidermis and lead to sun-peeled skin.

This situation has several immediate and long-term consequences that are worth knowing about. These and other important aspects of skin protection are discussed below.

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Sun-peeled skin and its consequences

Peeling skin from the sun is indicative of a sunburn.

The loss of the epidermis (the outermost layer that suffers from sun peeling) occurs because the skin has not been well protected against solar radiation or when it has not been correctly moisturised after a lot of sunbathing.

In other words, when the skin peels, it means that exposure to the sun has been so intense that the affected skin cells have suffered irreversible damage leading to peeling.

It is worth mentioning that there are some discomforts associated with sun-peeled skin, such as itching and stinging. These symptoms can last for several days; their intensity will depend on the severity of the damage from exposure to the sun.

Is it wrong for my skin to peel in the sun?

Peeling of the skin is a physiological process that, under normal conditions, allows the skin to regenerate.

However, when it occurs in an accelerated or drastic way, it is a symptom that the skin has suffered major aggression, such as sunburn.

In these cases, desquamation is a mechanism for the skin to shed damaged cells.

While this ability to remove dead or damaged cells and replace them with new ones may sound reassuring, in reality, we should not be fooled into complacency: damage from prolonged and intense exposure to solar radiation is cumulative, resulting in permanent alterations that add to previous and future damage (if any), even though the skin may peel and regenerate.

This accumulation of damage and alterations favours photo ageing or premature ageing of the skin, the appearance of spots, wrinkles and even severe problems such as skin cancer.

In short, once the sunburn has occurred and the skin has been peeled by the sun, the damage suffered can no longer be remedied. However, some measures can be taken to avoid discomfort, ensure that the skin is kept in the best possible condition, and be aware of how to prevent skin peeling in the future.

What to do when your skin is peeling in the sun?

Once we have suffered sunburn and the skin starts to peel off, we can implement several measures to minimise the discomfort and promote a quick recovery.

Some of these measures include:

  • Apply anti-inflammatory cream if the area is badly affected. Opting for natural creams such as Aloe Vera is advisable to avoid further skin damage. It is a vegetable component that works well thanks to its healing, anti-inflammatory and emollient properties. Alternatively, you can use coconut oil, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties and helps prevent infections in the sun-damaged area.
  • Moisturise the skin deeply so that it recovers appropriately and as quickly as possible.
  • Do not use products that may be irritating, such as perfumes or colognes, on damaged and, therefore, susceptible skin.
  • Do not expose yourself to the sun until the skin is fully recovered.
  • Avoid scratching or picking at sun-peeled skin to prevent further damage.
  • If your skin is hot from overexposure, put your aftersun or natural moisturiser in the fridge. This will give you a cooling and soothing effect when applied.
  • If the skin shows marked redness or blisters in addition to flaking from the sun, it is crucial to see a doctor for an assessment.

How to prevent skin from peeling in the sun?

Whether it has never happened to us before or if we have had sun-peeling skin in the past, we must prevent it from happening to us.

The first step to achieve this is to use sun protection suitable for our skin type or phototype, preferably always choosing a high or very high protection factor (SPF 50 or 50+).

To prevent skin peeling, it is advisable to use aftersun to soothe and calm the skin after intense sun exposure.

However, it will be essential to use natural moisturisers frequently, as dry skin is more prone to peeling. Therefore, the aim should be to always keep the skin moisturised and in good condition.

In addition, drinking plenty of water is essential to achieve and maintain adequate overall hydration status, especially in hot weather and increased sweating, such as physical exercise.

Other important aspects to avoid having sun peeling skin and suffering from its immediate and future consequences are:

  • Avoid the hours when solar radiation is most intense and harmful. This means avoiding exposure to direct sunlight between approximately 12 noon and 16:00 hours.
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to the sun. For example, avoid falling asleep in the sun for hours.
  • Sunbathe gradually after winter or after long periods with little or no sun exposure. This will allow your skin to slowly get used to the sun and give it time to produce melanin, the pigment that protects it from the sun’s radiation (as well as turning your skin brown).
  • Eat a healthy, balanced diet that provides the required amounts of vitamins C and E, which protect the skin thanks to their antioxidant action.

Boost skin hydration

In addition to the above, sun-peeling skin can be prevented by boosting skin hydration with a food supplement based on organic silica.

Organic silica has a protective effect on the skin and acts as a supporting element, helping to keep the skin smooth and firm. This is important as one of the consequences of solar radiation is that it promotes sagging and loss of skin elasticity.

But silicon can not only counteract these harmful effects of excessive sun exposure, but it can also contribute to the recovery of sun-peeled skin through its ability to accelerate the healing of damaged skin.

It is worth mentioning that these essential trace elements can not only be taken orally but can also be applied directly to the skin. To do this, we should opt for an organic silica product in gel form, such as Silicium G5 Gel, which will help to moisturise and promote skin regeneration.

After suffering a sunburn, once the redness and inflammation have disappeared, we can apply the gel to accelerate the recovery and healing of the tissues and, in addition, prevent the appearance of spots.

Another critical element for keeping skin in good condition against solar radiation is selenium, which is protective against oxidative damage, among other benefits.

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If your eating habits are not optimal, you can opt for a supplement that combines, for example, silica, selenium and vitamin C; to ensure that you meet your nutritional needs for these elements. This combination can be found in the product G7 Activ+, which is ideal for promoting natural collagen production.

Don’t forget that visible and non-visible damage from solar radiation is cumulative. So the better you take care of your skin, the fewer problems you will suffer in the present and the future.

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