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The 6 vitamins and minerals that help the most to regenerate muscle

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Nowadays, it is well known that it is necessary to warm up before and cool down afterward to avoid discomfort when training. However, sometimes this is not enough, and different pains arise. Why? Perhaps you are not providing in your diet the necessary vitamins and minerals to regenerate muscle tissue.

Imagine this: you drive miles and miles with your car, but you never change the oil or check the tire pressure. What would happen? It may fail the least expected day.

The same goes for your muscles. They need that maintenance with proper nutrition to function at total capacity without complications.

Why is it essential to regenerate muscular tissue?

We all know that physical activity is one of the most significant sources of health. But this entails muscular wear and tear that can produce different symptoms if you don’t take precautions.

Soreness is the most common. Any athlete has suffered them at some point in his life.

It is considered a “healthy pain,” just like that congestion or itching you feel when doing the last repetitions of an exercise.

That may be uncomfortable, but the real problem is the “bad pain” that comes from overdoing it: overloads, cramps, tendonitis, contractures, injuries, joint damage, overtraining syndrome, etc.

Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

To prevent that issues, this is essential to train correctly, respect rest periods, and follow a good diet that includes the critical micronutrients to regenerate muscle tissue.

What are the 6 key vitamins and minerals to regenerate muscle tissue?

It is generally known how important it is to provide sufficient protein in your meals to promote the regeneration of muscle fibers.

What is not so often considered is that a series of vitamins and minerals are also essential to counteract physical wear and tear.


Calcium is responsible for the maintenance of bones and joints and participates in muscle contraction.

That is why its deficiency often causes weakness, twitching, and spasms.


Like calcium, potassium contributes to proper muscle performance, and its intake prevents cramps and fatigue.

It should also be considered that this mineral is lost with sweat along with other electrolytes. Therefore, it is essential to consume it in adequate amounts to avoid low blood levels.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with exhaustion and muscle soreness, while its intake is related to increased physical performance in terms of strength.

Vitamin C

One of the causes of soreness is oxidative stress from intense muscular activity.

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, so it can help counteract the accumulation of free radicals and improve post-workout recovery.


Silica, like vitamin C, is involved in creating collagen and elastin, essential constituents of the connective tissue that supports and protects different structures of the body.

Therefore, it’s a critical element of regenerating muscle tissue and relieving overload.


It has been proven that Magnesium can stimulate muscle repair and reduce the discomfort caused by training.

It also increases protein synthesis, which helps recovering the muscle and also helps with its development.

Where can they be found?

Simple answer: in food

Eating a healthy and balanced diet is the primary fuel our muscles need to function. Do not forget these foods:

  • Dairy. For their calcium content, a mineral that you can also get from sardines or clams.
  • Bananas. Surely you know what they provide: potassium! Although there are other almost better sources, such as pistachios, avocado or soybeans.
  • Oily fish such as salmon or tuna, which are loaded with vitamin D. Remember that sunbathing is the best way to obtain this micronutrient.
  • Kiwis, sweet red peppers, oranges and broccoli. They have a high amount of vitamin C.
  • Whole grains, such as oatmeal, and other foods with silica.
  • Spinach, almonds, walnuts, and legumes. They are rich in magnesium.

For the demanding: in natural supplementation

A vast range of supplements allows you to give a little boost to muscle repair when food itself is not enough.

However, it is essential to pay attention to their composition since sometimes “sneak” ingredients have no effectiveness.

Two examples of natural supplements that can be very useful are:

  • Silicium G7 Activ+. It contains organic silica, magnesium and vitamin C, helping to strengthen muscles, bones and joints.
  • Orgono Articomplex. It is a complete formula designed to accelerate recovery to the maximum. In addition, it contains vitamin D and seven other minerals. A great deal.

Anyway, you must ensure the supply of these micronutrients to regenerate muscle tissue effectively and prevent those “bad pains” we were talking about before. So take care of your body!

Orgono Articomplex

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