Our bodies need nutrients to function at their best. We must ensure that our diet includes both macronutrients and micronutrients. In the latter group are minerals. They play an important role in the different functions of the body. For example, they contribute to the proper functioning of the heart and brain; they keep bones healthy and are also important for enzymes and hormones. In this article, we will look at what minerals do and how we can include them in our diet.
What are minerals and why do we need them?
Just as our body needs macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins and fats, it also needs minerals. However, in relatively smaller quantities. They are therefore considered micronutrients.
Minerals are nutrients that have important functions for our bodies. However, the body cannot synthesise them on its own. That is why it is important to incorporate them into our diet. Broadly speaking, we can say that the different types of minerals have three specific functions:
- Structural function, which consists of being part of the building blocks for the growth of the biological structures that make up the body (such as bones and muscles). This is the case of calcium and magnesium, which form part of bone tissue. Iron, for its part, is essential for haemoglobin, the protein present in blood that gives it its particular red colour.
- Regulatory function, i.e. helping to regulate body processes (fluid balance, muscle contraction, nerve impulses, etc.). A typical example is an iodine, which keeps the thyroid gland in balance, which in turn secretes hormones that control the rhythm of countless activities in the body.
- Transport function, by which they help in the movement of certain substances from one part of the body to another. This is the case of sodium or potassium, which acts as a link through the cell membrane, or iron, which helps to transport oxygen.
There are different types of minerals:
- Essential macro-elements that the body needs more than 100 mg per day. These include calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnesium and sulphur.
- Essential trace elements required by the body in quantities of less than 100 mg per day, such as iron, zinc and copper.
- Essential trace elements of which we require no more than 1 mg daily. For example, iodine, chromium, molybdenum and selenium.
- Pollutants that our body cannot purify on its own and become neurotoxic heavy metals, such as aluminium, lead, arsenic, mercury… In this case, silica plays a very important role because it is the antagonist of these minerals. The more silica we have available in our body, the less heavy metals we will store.
Role of minerals
As we have seen, the function of minerals is type-specific. Although there are three main functions – structural, regulatory and transport – each mineral has its function in the body. Let us now look at the function of the minerals individually.
- Sodium: needed for muscle contraction and to control blood pressure.
- Chlorine: part of stomach acid, balances proper fluid level.
- Potassium: involved in nerve transmission and muscle contraction.
- Calcium: essential for healthy teeth and bones.
- Phosphorus: maintains acid-base balance.
- Magnesium: necessary for protein production.
- Sulphur: present in protein molecules.
- Silica: involved in regenerative processes through the production of collagen and other basic molecules such as elastin. Key to providing connective tissues with the necessary elasticity and consistency.
- Iron: necessary for energy metabolism.
- Zinc: needed to produce protein.
- Iodine: present in thyroid hormone.
- Selenium: antioxidant.
- Copper: part of many enzymes.
- Chromium: works with insulin.
- Molybdenum: part of some enzymes.
How to get the minerals your body needs
We can take advantage of all the functions of minerals by obtaining them from our diet. It is worth mentioning that in the past, our diets were rich in minerals; however, due to intensive agriculture, there are fewer and fewer minerals in our diets. Fortunately, we can also supplement the diet with mineral-rich products. This ensures that we get the amounts we need for proper body function. As we pointed out, one of the essential minerals for the body is silica. Let’s take it as an example of how we can obtain it, both in the diet and in the supplements available to improve our well-being.
Some of the foods rich in silica are the following:
- Fruits: apple, orange, kiwi, mango, strawberries, sultanas and banana.
- Vegetables: raw cabbage, carrots, lettuce, onions, cucumber, pumpkin, green beans or green beans.
- Protein: chicken, salmon, eggs.
- Legumes: lentils, chickpeas.
- Fish: salmon,
- Nuts: cashew nuts.
- Cereals: rice, brown rice, pasta, maize, oats, alfalfa, barley, soya, wheat bran.
Supplement your diet with Silicium
Organic silica is a great ally for your body. It is one of the essential trace elements for the body, present in many regenerative processes because it promotes the production of collagen. Did you know that after the age of 35, the assimilation of silica through food is drastically reduced?
Only a small amount of silica is absorbed by the body. This is because the intestinal flora does not synthesise the silica we get from food in the right way. The causes are medication, intestinal permeability, but also the abuse of refined flours, processed foods, etc.
Low silica levels in foodstuffs due to monocultures and soil demineralisation also play a role. The intensive cultivation of vegetables, grains, legumes, the use of synthetic fertilisers, pesticides, herbicides, etc. has considerably reduced the microbial flora of humus. Humus is responsible for solubilising the silica from the silicate in the soil for the plants. The main consequence is that plants have less silica, which makes their cuticles weaker and more vulnerable to pests. Using more pesticides just turns the whole process into a downward spiral.
It is therefore a good idea from the age of 40 onwards to include quality, bioavailable organic silica supplements in our diet, such as:
- Silicium G7 Original 1L Bio-dynamised Silicium G7 Original 1L is an anti-ageing product highly valued for its joint and skin action.
- G7 Siliplant Biodinamizado 1L, from plants such as rosemary, is a wellness factor that promotes collagen formation and helps eliminate toxins.
- Living Silica Hydrolyzed Collagen, natural collagen booster. A powerful powdered blend that you can mix with water or your favourite smoothie. It Contains hydrolysed collagen, silica, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, biotin and acacia.
As you can see, silica is a great ally of the body that helps you to make the most of the function of minerals, particularly silica. Remember that in addition to organic silica, you can also opt for other products that include other minerals, such as Orgono (including magnesium and zinc), G7 Beauty (with selenium), and G7 Activ+ (with magnesium). Help your body with extra minerals!
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