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Piernas cansadas, consejos para combatir y calmar la pesadez y la hinchazón

Tired legs, tips to combat and soothe heaviness and swelling

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Do your legs feel tired at the end of the day? Do they feel heavy when you get home after a day’s work? Are you going on a trip and want to avoid pain, tingling or heaviness in your legs? Perhaps swelling, even night cramps that make it difficult for you to sleep and rest? For some people, these symptoms of tired legs are compounded by a feeling of warmth, redness, dryness and constant itching of the skin. Sometimes, with the appearance of spider and varicose veins and in some instances with skin alterations caused by poor circulation: dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, etc.

And that’s not all! Remember that in summer, due to high temperatures, circulation problems are aggravated, and these symptoms are stronger. Have you felt identified with any of these symptoms? If so, here are five tips to combat the heaviness and swelling of the legs! To reduce the feeling of heaviness and tiredness that can also accompany tingling, itching, swelling and pain in the legs and ankles, here are five tips to combat leg heaviness and swelling…

How do you combat and soothe tired legs?

First of all, let’s start by naming everything you should not do if you want to know how to prevent and eliminate swelling and get rid of the feeling of tired legs.

1. Do not spend too much time standing in one place or sitting for long periods.

Sometimes, for work or long trips by car, plane or bus, we must remain seated for too long. If this is your case, the first tip is not to cross your legs to avoid cutting off the blood flow between one limb and the other and, as far as possible, use a footrest whenever possible.

Whether you remain seated or standing for a long time, it is advisable to move your feet and legs frequently and make circular movements with your ankles to activate circulation. Also, if space permits, take advantage of the opportunity to take short walks whenever you can!

2. Do not abuse very fatty foods or foods with excessive salt. Try to follow a balanced diet

To combat tired legs, you must have a healthy lifestyle since following an unbalanced diet can cause fatigue, weaken your immune system and develop problems resulting from poor circulation: such as swelling, fat accumulation in some areas or fluid retention.

As you can imagine: a diet rich in fibre, fruits, vegetables and cereals is vital, as well as minimizing salt intake to reduce fluid retention.

3. Do not wear shoes or clothing that are too tight.

It has been proven! Wearing tight-fitting clothes is bad for circulation because tight-fitting clothes do not allow average blood circulation. This problem falls mainly on the legs when wearing tight pants for many hours, hindering the venous return from the legs to the heart.

But what about the feet? Although, so far, we have talked mainly about clothing, do not forget that it is essential to choose the right shoes: make sure they are wide and comfortable, without excessive heels.

What you DO need to do to prevent tired legs.

4. Always be hydrated! 

Indeed, if you are a regular reader of this blog and our beauty and health tips, this advice is familiar to you. Hydration is essential daily; drinking between 1.5 and 2 litres of water daily is recommended. In addition, to combat and soothe tired legs, it is also recommended that you moisturize your skin on the outside. For that, we recommend using a quality cream that helps moisturize your skin in depth.

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From Silicium, we want to recommend the powerful G7 Light Legs+ that will keep the skin of your legs elastic and activate blood circulation, relieving tiredness and heaviness.

This cream for tired legs is formulated only with natural ingredients and is rich in essential oils and organic silica. All these components provide a decongestant and relaxing effect that translates into a feeling of well-being, especially in tired legs, facilitating an excellent venous return.

It is a cream suitable for all skin types and recommended for application on varicose veins and tired legs. It tones, moisturizes, and softens your skin. It improves circulation, relaxes, relieves fatigue in the knees or ankles, and leaves a feeling of freshness and lightness.

Applying it is very simple: You can use it as many times as you want, with a light massage from the foot to the knee in an upward direction. You can apply G7 Light Legs+ cream if you suffer from varicose veins.

If you suffer from varicose veins, we have an extra tip! You can apply the cream on your legs and wrap it in cling film for 1 to 2 hours.

5. Yes, to sports, it is essential.          

To another of our most common tips! Surely you already know the benefits of sport for health; we already told you about it in this post on how to get rid of cellulite on legs.

In this particular case, we recommend the practice of moderate physical exercise. At least 30 minutes a day of sports such as swimming or walking. Although if you are one of those who like to dance or ride a bike, they are two very beneficial exercises to activate blood circulation. Try it, and you will see the difference!

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