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Hábitos tóxicos para la piel

Toxic habits that age and damage your skin

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Toxic habits in relation to our diet, habits and priorities are reflected in our skin and can damage our health. They come into our lives through carelessness or are simply the consequence of laziness. They become part of our routines because sometimes it seems that it is not necessary to make the effort, that doing otherwise will not have any negative effects. But this is not the case.

Fortunately, it is possible to reverse its damage, change habits and integrate new habits into our routine.

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What are toxic habits?

Toxic habits are habits that work against our health, well-being and balance. In the case of the skin, they are related to more aspects of life than you might think.

Examples include:

– Excess sugar in the diet and consumption of processed foods. Acne, breakouts and signs of premature ageing appear when you do not eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh, natural ingredients.

– Alcohol consumption. It reflects on the skin leaving it dry, dull and lacklustre. It can also contribute to dark circles under the eyes and puffiness, detracting from the vitality of the face.

– Smoking. Smoking is probably one of the worst things you can do if you want to maintain youthful, radiant skin. Tobacco smoke and the chemicals in cigarettes cause dry, sallow, dull-looking skin, deep wrinkles, discolouration and rough textures. This damage is very difficult to reverse.

Balance is always the key and while exceptions can be made in grooming, cleaning or eating routines, it is important to ensure that they do not end up becoming toxic habits through convenience or lack of diligence.

Examples of toxic beauty habits to avoid

About skin care specifically, there are also toxic habits that should be identified and eliminated. Some of them are:

  • Sleeping in make-up. Lack of time shouldn’t be an excuse when the health of the body’s largest organ is at stake. Sleeping in make-up is one of the worst toxic beauty habits. It clogs pores and causes premature wrinkles to appear on the face. Excessive make-up also encourages acne.
  • Washing your face with hot water. This is a harmful habit as the high temperature dries out the skin and makes it more vulnerable to the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Touching the face. This mistake is often made unconsciously, but it has negative consequences for skin health because our hands are not always clean. Even after washing, they become dirty and can transfer oil and bacteria, which cause the development of acne and other skin problems.
  • Handling pimples. This habit causes bacteria to spread, which can lead to inflammation or even scarring. Also, if pimple picking becomes a habit, it can lead to cystic acne or future scarring. It is best to keep it under control with natural care products specifically for this type of problem and proper hygiene.
  • Not using sunscreen. The sun is beneficial to our health, but it must be used with protection. Otherwise, UV rays can damage skin cells, causing premature wrinkles and reducing the elasticity of the tissues.
  • Don’t wash your make-up brushes. If not washed regularly, they become laden with bacteria and can worsen the condition of the skin on your face, neck and décolleté. The result? Acne breakouts, redness, irritation and dryness, among other problems.
  • Use make-up remover wipes. It is not advisable to replace face washing with the use of such products as they do not achieve as deep and effective a cleansing effect as necessary.

One of the risks of toxic habits is that maintaining them makes their consequences last and it becomes increasingly difficult to reverse them. Some of them are premature skin ageing, dryness and acne, and the appearance of wrinkles and blemishes.

How to avoid these toxic habits and establish healthy habits

The most effective way to get rid of toxic habits is to replace them with healthy ones. Once you start to change harmful habits, it is surprising how easy it can be to replace them with beneficial ones.

One way to start is by reading the labels of the care products you have at home. Harvard research shows that “on average, each woman uses 12 different beauty products every day”. Men’s skin also comes into daily contact with a variety of formulas, such as deodorants, colognes, shaving foams and aftershaves. If they are not natural, it is not hard to imagine the cocktail of chemicals that are applied daily to our body’s largest organ.

The list is long: shampoos, serums, cleansers, conditioners, hair dyes, fragrances, skin care products, scented lotions, nail polish and make-up are just some of them.

The study warns that “the chemicals are not proven to be harmless, as the tests only ensure that they do not cause short-term problems, such as skin irritation”.

Another study published in the International Journal of Cancer found a link between hair dye and breast cancer that raised its risk by 9% to 45%.

To ensure long-term safety, each chemical-containing product should be replaced by one based on natural ingredients.

A good way to start implementing the goal of eliminating toxic habits is to review beauty and skin care products, including supplements, and let only natural products, such as Siliplant Biodinamised, which helps maintain the health and beauty of skin, nails and hair, enter the home.

This essential trace element combats ageing, flaccidity and dullness of the skin; it prevents the quality of hair and gives it shine and vitality, as well as strengthens nails and prevents breakage and softening. When you include it in your diet, you will notice other beneficial effects for the body, such as improved joint, bone and muscle health, better cardiovascular health and maintenance of the health of the nervous system.

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