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Woman with swollen and hard belly due to digestive problems

Swollen and hard underbelly: why does it happen?

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A hard, bloated lower abdomen is like a distended abdomen, it is more swollen than normal and is often accompanied by a feeling of gas and discomfort. However, bloating is not always caused by digestive problems. However, when the lower abdomen is chronically bloated and hard, it is advisable to consult your doctor to rule out other possible conditions.

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In this article we look at one of the most common digestive symptoms: a bloated, hard belly, what does it mean, what can it cause, and what are the possible treatment tools and when to see your doctor to confirm your diagnosis. We also discuss possible treatment tools and when to see your doctor to confirm your diagnosis.

What does it mean when the lower abdomen swells?

A swollen abdomen is often uncomfortable and even painful. A swollen abdomen is common and can have a number of causes.

Sometimes the explanation can be as simple as overeating or drinking fizzy drinks, which would be an easy problem to solve. However, there are also more important causes, such as inflammatory bowel disease. Below we will discuss the possible causes of a bloated and hardbelly:

  • Constipation: This can lead to an uncomfortable feeling of being too full or bloated, as well as a hard stomach.
  • Eating too much: Eating too much or too fast can cause a bloated, hard stomach. The discomfort usually subsides as digestion proceeds. However, if this habit becomes chronic, the discomfort also becomes chronic and can lead to more serious illnesses.
  • Carbonated drinks: The gas accumulated from drinking a soft drink too quickly can cause these symptoms.
  • Food intolerance: When there are problems digesting certain foods, as is commonly the case with dairy products due to lactose intolerance, consuming them can cause a swollen and hard lower abdomen.
  • Diverticulitis: An inflammation and infection of the digestive tract, which can also cause bloating and a hard lower abdomen.
  • Gastritis: This is an inflammation of the stomach caused by a stomach ulcer or infection with the bacterium Helicobacter Pylori. The most common symptoms are pain, hard stomach and bloating.
  • Stomach cancer: Also called gastric cancer, it usually affects the lining or muscular walls of the stomach. Although it is a rare cancer, it can cause this symptomatology.
  • Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): Can cause a variety of symptoms such as bloating, gas, cramps and abdominal pain.
  • Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD): Such as ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, which can cause abdominal bloating and cramps that can make the stomach hard.
  • Bacterial overgrowth (SIBO): The abdomen may swell when there is an overgrowth of normal bacteria in the small intestine. This can lead to increased gas production, dilating the small intestine and bloating the abdomen.
Woman with swollen lower abdomen looking in mirror

When should I see a doctor if I have a swollen lower abdomen?

Occasional bloating, such as after a large meal, is not usually a cause for concern. However, remember that it is important to see your doctor before starting treatment. A diagnosis and assessment of your symptoms will be made to determine the cause of your hard, swollen belly. Your doctor will then be able to prescribe the most appropriate treatment for you.

Pay attention to these symptoms and consult your doctor if you notice any of them:

  • Stomach bloating that does not go away or gets worse over the hours.
  • Area of the stomach that is sensitive to touch.
  • Diarrhoea.
  • Blood in stool.
  • Fever.
  • Inability to drink or eat normally.
  • Vomiting or nausea.
  • Unintentional weight gain or loss.
  • Fatigue.
  • Excessive gas or belching.
  • Menstruation-related changes.

Women aged 55 and older, or who experience abdominal distention along with symptoms such as difficulty eating, abdominal pain, pelvic pain or back pain, should see their doctor for an evaluation to rule out pathologies such as ovarian cancer.

When you see a specialist, in addition to a physical examination and assessment of your answers to your symptoms, the doctor may order imaging tests such as an abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan, ultrasound or X-ray. He or she may also order a colonoscopy to look inside the intestines, a blood test, a breath test or a stool test. Tests will be ordered depending on your symptoms and the suspected cause.

Woman with digestive discomfort touching her swollen belly

How to deflate the lower abdomen?

There are many ways to treat the symptoms of a hard, swollen belly. The treatment guidelines chosen will depend on the cause:

  • Eating habits: Smaller, more frequent meals, chewing food well and eating slowly help to relieve bloating. It is also recommended to avoid foods and drinks that cause gas, such as legumes, cruciferous vegetables, and carbonated beverages.
  • Physical exercise: Regular exercise can help digestion and abdominal bloating.
  • Hydration: Drink enough water. As a general guideline, about 2.5 litres of water per day.
  • Stress: Reducing stress and anxiety can help a lot in pathologies such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
  • Supplements: Turmeric, chamomile and fennel, L-glutamine, or digestive enzymes may help with bloating. Taking one supplement or another will depend on what the cause is. It is important to keep in mind the important relationship between the immune system and the digestive system. A hyperpermeable gut affects our immunity. Thanks to its formulation with silica and more than 17 natural adaptogenic active ingredients, supplements such as G7 Defender help to strengthen the body’s defences and its ability to cope with adverse situations.
  • Diuretics: If rest and sodium reduction do not help, the doctor may prescribe diuretics to help the kidneys eliminate excess fluid.
  • Medicines: Drugs under medical prescription for certain pathologies.
  • Neuromodulators: Antidepressants and other central neuromodulators can help with swelling by reducing visceral hypersensitivity.

In any case, your doctor will decide the most appropriate treatment for you depending on the cause of your symptoms.

Bloated and hard belly: abdominal distension has a solution

Bloating manifests itself as a hard, swollen lower abdomen. When bloating occurs only occasionally, it is most likely due to gas or large meals. But if the abdomen is bloated on a long-term basis, it is usually due to digestive disorders, intestinal bacterial overgrowth, food intolerances or ascites, among other causes.

There is no single specific treatment for bloating, symptoms will be treated depending on the underlying cause. A treatment plan may include dietary and lifestyle recommendations and changes, medication and physical exercise. It is important to visit your doctor to get a diagnosis before starting treatment.

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