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mujer que siente bienestar al oler un aceite como ejemplo de aromaterapia emocional

What is emotional aromatherapy and its benefits for mental health?

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Emotional aromatherapy is framed in a context in which we can affirm that our memories and emotions smell. Certain smells are associated with specific moments in our lives, and they can provoke a radical change in our mood since smell is a powerful activator of feelings.

In another article, we talked about how foot reflexology influences emotions,

Here, we focus on how aromas help our mental health and cite a number of essential oils that improve our well-being.

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What is emotional aromatherapy?

Before getting into the subject, we must define the concept of emotional aromatherapy. Its first term is an ancient technique of extracting the essence of plants. Usually in the form of oil or for medicinal purposes.

By adding the other word, we mean using scents to achieve a perfect balance of emotions. The key lies in the raw plant material concentrates obtained, characterised by their intense aroma. That which is used to alleviate pain. Not only physical but also psychological.

emotional aromatherapy in a home with oil diffuser

How aromatherapy helps mental health

The explanation for this lies in science. Scientific studies have shown how a link between emotional aromatherapy and mental health is possible. The limbic system has an organ called the amygdala, which is responsible for regulating a variety of functions, from motivation to moods to memory storage.

When we inhale an essential oil, the scent reaches the olfactory bulb (located behind the nose). This establishes a direct relationship with the brain, where the amygdala is located. The amygdala classifies or orders each smell with a specific emotion. Hence, specific feelings can be generated.

Thus, if we suffer from anxiety, depression, stress or insomnia, for example, emotional aromatherapy helps us to combat it. However, it is very important to use the right essential oils, depending on the problem we have. And that those chosen have the right link to moments of wellbeing that we have experienced before.

Essential oils to heal emotions

emotional aromatherapy orange essential oil

We need to create scented environments with the necessary fragrances. It is best to have a space where there is tranquillity. Without noise or disturbing circumstances, our relaxation and comfort is greater. The living room or the room where we sleep are good places for the objective we are looking for.

We can use automatic diffusers or directly inhale the essential oil from the bottle containing it. A third option is to put a few drops on cotton wool to smell it. But which products should we use? Depending on our current emotional state, we choose one or the other oil:

  • Lavender. A staple in emotional aromatherapy. Among its many properties, it is good against tension, anger and restlessness. It purifies and leaves a positive feeling in the air.
  • Bitter orange. A citrus aroma ideal in cases of sadness, anxiety, depression, frustration, irritability, anguish, anger…
  • Thyme. It is stimulating and perfect for reducing that feeling of fatigue or lack of energy. It also activates our immune system to fight against respiratory infections.
  • Bergamot. It works very well as an antidepressant and calming, so it is effective against tensions of all kinds, insomnia or stress.

Other popular and beneficial oils include lemon, cinnamon, sweet orange, sandalwood, ravintsara, jasmine, peppermint and rosewood. We can mix several of these to take advantage of their combined properties.

In conclusion, as you have read, emotional aromatherapy is a good alternative to modify your mood. However, you should know how to choose the most suitable scents to calm a certain situation. It is best to consult your pharmacist or herbalist. As a complement, we also recommend taking G7 Neuro Health capsules, with biotin and organic silica, ideal for improving mental well-being.

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