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kombucha para que sirve

Kombucha: What is it for and how to take it?

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If you’re wondering what kombucha is and what it’s for, it’s not surprising, since the reality is that it’s a relatively new drink in Spanish supermarkets. But you’ve probably heard more people talking about this trendy health drink lately. And, in addition, you have also seen how the fridge of your trusted establishment has been filled with kombucha.

For this reason, in this article we want to discover what exactly kombucha is, what it is used for and how much is recommended to take per day to start noticing its benefits.

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What is kombucha and what is it for?

Although its appearance in supermarkets has been recent, the reality is that kombucha is a drink that was already consumed more than 2,000 years ago in China, but soon spread to Russia, Japan and Europe. Such were its properties that, at the time, it was known as the “mushroom of immortality”.

Now, you may be wondering what kind of drink we are referring to, well it is a drink based on black or green tea with sugar and from its fermentation a series of bacteria and yeasts called “Scoby” that provide a large dose of: Vitamins, such as B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, D, E and K; enzymes, yeasts and polysaccharides; minerals, such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc…; and essential fatty acids. To learn a little more about this trendy refreshment, below, we will detail all its benefits and properties.

Properties of kombucha

Kombucha, therefore, is a drink with multiple benefits and properties, among which are:

  • Improves intestinal transit. It can be said that kombucha works as a probiotic because it has a large amount of beneficial bacteria for the body that promotes intestinal transit, but also prevents diseases such as colon cancer, diarrhea, constipation, and so on.
  • It reduces cholesterol and prevents cardiovascular diseases, since it reduces the levels of bad cholesterol and increases the levels of good cholesterol (HDL).
  • It has antioxidant and moisturizing properties since it has a large amount of polyphenols and, therefore, it also has a vasodilator and anti-inflammatory effect. It is a very hydrating drink because it is rich in vitamins, minerals and water.
  • It increases defenses to prevent possible infections thanks to its bacteria and yeasts.
  • It is a low-calorie drink, ideal if you are on a diet because you can enjoy its variety of flavors without worrying about calories.
  • It regulates blood sugar levels.
  • It helps eliminate toxins since it favors the production of liver enzymes and also improves kidney function.

Types of kombucha

Now that you know what kombucha is and what it is used for, let’s find out what are the types we can find. As these drinks are prepared from different types of tea, the modalities that exist of this refreshment are the following:

  • Black tea kombucha.
  • White tea kombucha.
  • Green tea kombucha.
  • Oolong tea kombucha.
  • Kombucha of herbal infusions combined with black or green tea.

After the first fermentation of the tea, more ingredients can be added to the beverage to add more properties and different flavors, through fruits and spices. In this way, we can find another wide variety of kombuchas such as, for example:

  • Red fruits kombucha.
  • Carrot kombucha.
  • Apple kombucha.
  • Ginger and lemon kombucha.
  • Lime, lemon and mint kombucha.
  • Strained pineapple.

How should kombucha be taken?


Now that you know what kombucha is and what it is used for, surely many other questions arise, such as how much can I take, when is the best time, how should I take it… Therefore, we want to help you with a series of tips so you can introduce it little by little in your day to day and know when it suits you best. Take note!

  • If you have never taken it before, try taking a little every day, about 100-150 ml and increase the doses you take.
  • You can drink kombucha on an empty stomach. Experts recommend taking this drink without anything in the stomach because its digestive and antioxidant benefits are enhanced. In addition, having a little caffeine will also give you that energy you need to get active.
  • You can also incorporate it before or after eating. Thanks to its probiotics, you will notice how digestion improves.
  • An ideal time to take kombucha is with exercise. Before training, it helps to activate and burn fat. And, on the other hand, after sport, it serves to replenish vitamins and minerals.
  • If caffeine usually affects you too much, it is advisable not to take it in the afternoon or at night (although the amount of caffeine is much less than a cup of coffee).
  • You should also keep in mind that being a fermented product, kombucha has 1% alcohol which is generated naturally.
  • Any time is the perfect time to drink your kombucha, so try substituting your soda, coffee or beer whenever you can.

How much kombucha should I drink per day?

Before answering the question of how much kombucha should be taken per day, it is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to date. To begin to notice the positive effects of this refreshing drink, at least 200-300 ml per day would be necessary. Of course, before consuming it, it is important to verify that it is in perfect condition, as it should not be moldy and the smell should not be very strong, if it is similar to acetone, it should be completely discarded.

Which people should not drink kombucha?

Despite its great benefits, it is true that kombucha is not recommended for some people. This is because it is an unpasteurized beverage, since it is a living collection of bacteria and fungi, it requires special precautions both in its preparation and in its preservation. Thus, kombuchas are not indicated for people with intestinal pathologies, immunological problems, pregnant and lactating women and children under 5 years of age, according to the OCU.

Now that you know what kombucha is and what it is used for, we encourage you to enjoy this delicious drink and, in this way, you can take advantage of its interesting properties for the organism.

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