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qué es realfooding: comida real del campo a tu mesa

What is realfooding: all you need to know about this method

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It is one of the latest trends in healthy and sustainable food. Realfooding is committed to the consumption of real food. In other words, it is a method in which ultra-processed foods are discarded and fresh or minimally processed foods are chosen.

It is a movement that is gaining more and more followers every day. The advantages of realfooding are many, both for you and the environment. We have prepared this article to help you assess whether you want to join the trend.

Find out what realfooding is, its benefits, and an example of what you can eat in a day if you choose “real” food.

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What is realfooding?

More than a diet, realfooding is a lifestyle that promotes the consumption of healthy food. Carlos Ríos is the nutritionist behind the movement that today has a huge following. Realfooders enjoy food without artifice or additives.

For realfooders, health is about the type of food we eat and its processing, not so much about nutrients or calories. We often ignore the degree of processing of what we eat, overlooking its effects on the body.

To know what to eat in a day or the recipes you can make, it is essential to know how realfooding classifies food.

Types of food

Group 1: fresh food

These are all foods that do not undergo any processing. As they say: from the field to your table. This group includes fruit, vegetables, tubers and roots, pulses, eggs, meat, fish, nuts and dried fruits…

Group 2: low-processed foods

Whether artisanal or industrially processed, this group includes foods in which no more than 5 ingredients have been involved in the process. An example is a cheese or jam.

This group also includes milk, yoghurt, dark chocolate (over 70% cocoa), cooked pulses, canned fish, frozen foods, and vacuum-packed foods…

Group 3: ultra-processed foods

The foods in this group are not suitable for a realfood diet. Many ingredients and additives are needed to obtain them, which is why the realfooding movement considers them unhealthy.

This group finds instant soups, pre-cooked pizzas, French fries, hamburgers, industrial bakery products, juices, soft drinks, commercial sauces, ice cream, white bread, etc.

Basics of realfooding

  • A healthy life is all about real food.
  • To get real food, you have to cook.
  • The focus is on the food, not the calories.
  • The main source of realfooder is the market, not the supermarket.
  • Ultra-processed foods are bad for your health.

Benefits of realfooding

It has been proven that ultra-processed foods can lead to obesity, type 2 diabetes, various cardiovascular diseases and even some types of cancer.

On the contrary, eating real food is very beneficial to health because:

  • They are nutritious.
  • They help the intestinal transit.
  • Minimise sugar consumption.
  • They prevent diseases such as obesity, hypertension and diabetes.

In other words, real food provides all the nutrients we need and helps us to avoid products with empty calories that are harmful in the long term. Realfooding allows us to have a much healthier relationship with food.

Therefore, a healthy lifestyle based on realfood, exercise and rest will undoubtedly benefit you.

A day of eating only real food

Let’s see what a daily menu based on real food would look like.

  • For a complete breakfast: choose toast made with wholemeal bread and sourdough. You can make them with ham, cheese, scrambled eggs, tomato and olive oil. Complete your breakfast with a piece of fruit.
  • You can grill meat or fish for lunch and serve it with a salad. If you prefer vegetable protein to animal protein, go for legume-based dishes.
  • For a snack, nuts and fruit are best, but you can also have a yoghurt or a small tuna sandwich.
  • You can make a vegetable ratatouille and poached eggs for a more elaborate dinner.

To complete a healthy lifestyle, you can add a food supplement to your diet to help you make up for certain deficiencies, especially after age 40. At this age, the body begins to have more difficulty producing collagen.

Some supplements that can help you promote collagen production are:

  • Living Silica Collagen Booster combines two types of organic silicon – orthosilicic acid and monomethylsilanotriol – to help remove aluminium from the brain, improve the appearance of hair and nails, generate more collagen and improve joint problems. This supplement will undoubtedly help you improve your quality of life and athletic performance and enhance your natural beauty.
  • Silicium G7 Original, is the most famous silicon-based anti-ageing product. This trace element helps eliminate toxins from the body, cleanses the liver and improves the digestive system. Together with healthy nutrition, silicon can help improve your collagen production, from which your skin, hair and nails will also benefit.
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As you can see, a healthy diet based on real food can have multiple benefits for your health. Combined with adequate rest, physical activity and supplements such as silicon, you can enjoy a pleasant lifestyle that will help you cope better with the inescapable passage of time.

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