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Qué productos usar después de un peeling químico, porque necesitas

What products to use after a chemical peel and why you need them

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Chemical peels can help turn sun-damaged skin into fantastic, radiant skin. This type of treatment helps reduce hyperpigmentation and improves skin tone, leaving skin noticeably brighter and smoother (on the face and the rest of the body). But it is important to know which products to use after a chemical peel and to have a good aftercare plan to enjoy the best possible results.

There are cases in which it is preferable not to undergo a peel, such as:

– Depending on the problems to be treated. Deep scars or wrinkles, as well as flaccidity or very marked irregularities in the skin do not improve with this treatment.

– Depending on the condition of the skin. Although, in principle, they can be used on all skin types, more pigmented skin is at greater risk of darkening after treatment (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation).

– Depending on medical history. If you have a history of abnormal skin scarring, have a skin-related condition, or are taking medications that increase sensitivity.

– Depending on lifestyle. Since the skin is more exposed after treatment and the sun should be avoided as much as possible, if obligations (e.g. work) prevent this, and it is not possible to avoid the sun during the healing period, then it is better not to undergo chemical peeling.

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What products to use after a chemical peel?

How is the skin after this treatment

The main purpose of a chemical peel is to remove damaged skin cells, leaving you with healthy, glowing skin. After treatment, the dead skin begins to slough off. It is important to remember not to touch, pinch or scratch it with your fingers. It is best to let the dead skin slough off naturally to avoid causing possible scarring. 


Which products to use and for what purpose

Considering that the skin will be sensitive, there may be certain products in the normal skin care routine that should be avoided, as they may have active ingredients and irritants. Those who know which products to use after a chemical peel do not hesitate to narrow their list down to two:


If you have just gone through the process of getting rid of damaged skin with a chemical peel, you should avoid damaging the new, vulnerable skin. For this purpose, it is necessary to protect the skin with a layer of sunscreen every time it is exposed to the sun.

It is advisable to opt for products with an SPF of 30 or higher and with high broad-spectrum safety ratings.

Moisturising cream (when the time is right)

The feeling and appearance of dry skin is part of the exfoliation process and moisturiser will not be able to correct this, so it is best to use little or no moisturiser for the first two days after treatment. In some cases, a specific aftercare moisturiser will be provided at the time of treatment, which is safe to use.

After a few days, when the skin is no longer as sensitive, and not before, you can return to using moisturiser as normal.

When applying moisturiser to the skin, be careful not to rub it in. It is sufficient to gently apply a thin layer to the skin several times during the day, as needed.

Once the peeling process is complete and the skin no longer feels sensitive, you can return to your usual skin care routine. This usually happens within a week after the peel.

Products/ingredients to avoid and why

When it comes to before and after skin care, it’s important to talk to a dermatologist about the right plan for adapting your routine in the days before and after your chemical peel.

Hair can bring dirt and bacteria to a skin that is very sensitive for several days. After chemical peeling, it is therefore advisable to remove hair from the face.

In addition to this, it is important to avoid products that are aggressive, have a very different pH from that of the skin or include chemical components.

How to further improve the appearance of the skin?


Visible results are achieved after peeling, as this process helps to rejuvenate the skin and improve its quality. However, given that it is an aggressive technique, it is advisable to space its use and, between each treatment and the next, to plan routines that help to maintain the quality of the skin.

Care and hygiene with natural ingredients are a very necessary basic, whose beneficial effects can be increased if these habits are complemented with a balanced diet and supplements. Among these, it is advisable to choose complementary products containing silica, which provide antioxidants and an important repairing power, such as G7 Beauty which, in addition to improving the quality of the skin and slowing down the ageing process, acts on hair and nails. It acts from the inside out thanks to its ingredients, based on organic silica, enriched with vitamin E and selenium, an exclusive formula that helps to maintain the beauty of the skin, hair and nails.

Finally, give sun protection the importance it deserves, as it is key to staying young and fighting free radicals, a task in which silica is the best ally.

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