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vitamina d3 y k2 en pescados, huevo, queso, setas y fermentados

Why is it important for your body to take vitamin D3 and K2?

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Vitamin D3 and K2 should be included in your regular diet. Both nutrients are important for the proper functioning of our organism. In particular, they maintain the bone and cardiovascular system.

Here we explain what the benefits of taking both vitamins are, and in what food you can find them.

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What are Vitamins D3 and K2?

Vitamin D3 is produced in the human skin itself when it receives ultraviolet radiation. It is therefore recommended that you sunbathe regularly to generate it naturally. It is also present in some foods, as we will see below. This nutrient is converted into your liver and kidney. This creates calcitriol, which functions like a hormone, regulating the metabolism of both phosphorus and calcium.

Vitamin K2 is synthesised by intestinal bacteria once it has been ingested, mainly through fermented products. Its task in the body is to activate proteins known as osteocalcin and matrix GLA. Both are what bind calcium to your bones, promoting their mineralisation. And even preventing this mineral from remaining in the blood vessels.

Why should they be taken together with magnesium?

It should be noted at this point that vitamin D3 and K2 must be taken together. Studies in recent years have shown that our body can only use certain functions of the former if it has enough of the latter. As well as magnesium.

It is therefore recommended that this element is also included in the equation. The reason is simple, this mineral is part of our bones and supports the proper metabolism of vitamin D3 and K2. In particular, it is involved in the transformation of the vitamin into the active vitamin D hormone.

vitamina d3 y k2, esta segunda en cápsulas

What are the benefits of taking vitamin D3 and K2?

  • It is essential for bones, as vitamin D3 contributes to the intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus. Bone tissue is thus strengthened, while vitamin K2 prevents it from losing these already acquired nutrients. As a result, the risk of fractures, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis or arteriosclerosis is reduced.
  • Both vitamins are equally beneficial for cardiovascular health, as D3 helps to regulate blood pressure and cholesterol. It also helps to reduce inflammation. K2 prevents blood vessels from calcification, a factor that increases the likelihood of diseases such as heart attacks and strokes.
  • The skin, plays an important role in the cell regeneration process, as well as in skin healing. In particular, vitamin K2 improves elasticity and even helps the dermis to be more hydrated. This prevents wrinkles and premature ageing.
  • For the immune system, vitamin D3 strengthens your defences against infection and disease, as it modulates the innate, adaptive response to them. As for K2, its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties help to combat substances that are harmful to your body.
  • Finally, for mental health, both nutrients are useful. Vitamin D3 influences the production of neurotransmitters that regulate your mood, memory and learning. K2, on the other hand, has a neuroprotective effect, preventing cognitive decline and diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

Who should not take vitamin D3 and K2?

Despite its benefits, you should not abuse its consumption. It is always recommended to limit it to optimal amounts, although these depend on your age, weight and state of health. In general, however, the appropriate daily dose is no more than 100 mcg of vitamin D3, while K2 is between 50 and 90 mcg.

Too much vitamin D3 can lead to hypervitaminosis, which is high levels of calcium in your blood. Symptoms are vomiting, thirst, loss of appetite, muscle weakness, bone pain and so on.

However, certain people should be more careful when taking vitamin D3 and K2. There are contraindications if they suffer from chronic diseases such as thrombosis or sarcoidosis.

On the other hand, pregnant women and nursing mothers should be careful not to take them together. Nor is it advisable to mix both nutrients with specific medicines, as this may cause undesirable side effects. The same applies to anti-diabetic treatments and anticoagulants...

The best way to find out for sure and to take preventive measures is to consult your specialist. He or she will analyse whether your medication plan could be affected by taking these vitamins.

vitamina d3 y k2 salud ósea

Which foods contain vitamin D3 and K2

First of all, we would like to remind you that vitamin D3 can be obtained in a completely natural way through exposure to ultraviolet rays. It is advisable not to overdo it to avoid burns and to enjoy this radiation for at least 30 minutes a day.

To be consumed in meals, both it and K2 are present in certain foods listed below:

  • Vitamin D3: oily fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, mackerel, frigate tuna, bonito, swordfish, anchovies) and eggs, especially the yolk part.
  • Vitamin K2: fermented foods (sauerkraut, kimchi, goat’s cheese), fatty fish such as those mentioned above, and even chicken and beef liver.

In conclusion, you can see that vitamin D3 and K2, taken together, have multiple benefits for your body. Strengthen your bones and cardiovascular system with them by eating foods that contain them. As a dietary supplement, you can also add products such as Orgono Anticomplex to your diet. It contains vitamins C and D3, patented organic silica powder, trace elements and minerals that support the development, strengthening and regeneration of cartilage. It is a highly concentrated formula that boosts your immune system.

Orgono Articomplex

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