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Por qué sube y baja el PSA: conoce el antígeno

Why PSA rises and falls: know the antigen

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Do you know what PSA is? Prostate-specific antigen, or PSA, is a protein produced by prostate cells in men. It is the same acronym for a test used to detect cancer in this organ. This is possible by measuring the amount of PSA present in the blood.

Elevated PSA levels can indicate a number of medical and non-medical conditions. Detecting some of the former can help in making the decision to use natural methods to help reduce elevated PSA.

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Why does the PES go up and down?

The PSA test measures the amount of PSA molecules in the blood. This protein can be created by both cancerous and non-cancerous prostate tissue. However, it is not known exactly why PSA rises and falls, as there are several variables related to its fluctuations.


Values that are considered “normal

To know if PSA is rising, normal or baseline levels should be observed, bearing in mind that PSA rises with age. This is mainly due to age-induced prostate growth.

From the age of 25, the prostate begins to enlarge normally in all men and it is not yet known why this happens. Some experts believe it is related to hormonal fluctuations.

In any case, the estimate of a normal PSA level for each age group would reflect these values:

AgePSA (in ng/mL)
40 a 490 a 2,5
50 a 590 a 3,5
60 a 690 a 4,5
70 or more0 a 6.5

What can high PSA levels indicate?

Even if the screening test shows normal levels, it is still important to be screened regularly. When a person is predisposed to prostate cancer, taking the right precautions is essential.

Elevated PSA is often an indicator of:

– Prostate cancer: with a PSA value between 4.0 ng/ml and 10.0 ng/ml, there is a 22% to 27% chance of cancer. When numbers exceed 10 ng/ml, there is a 67% chance of cancer.

– Enlarged prostate: Benign prostatic hyperplasia can make ejaculation and urination difficult. Along with swelling, it is not uncommon for people to experience an elevated PSA.

– Prostatitis: A bacterial infection can trigger this painful condition. It causes the prostate to become tender, swollen and inflamed. For many, particularly those with chronic prostatitis, this can trigger an elevated PSA.

– Irritation or infection of the urinary tract: when something, such as an infection, irritates the prostate, it can cause a high PSA.

– Sexual activity: any type of stimulation of the prostate can cause a temporary rise in PSA. According to Dr. David B. SamadiFor example, “semen released during sex can cause PSA levels to rise temporarily, which may influence or affect test results.

– Medications: some, such as dutasteride or finasteride, can cause lower PSA levels, which would be reflected in the test.

Therefore, even if the PSA value is quite high, it does not necessarily mean that the individual has prostate cancer. However, the opposite can also be true: it is possible for the body to have prostate cancer with a normal PSA level, as this test is not always accurate (it is estimated that it can miss about 15% of cancers).

 What is the perfect diet for prostate care?

Why PSA rises and falls is less clear, as there are many variables that affect this index and too many unknowns to solve. What is clear, however, is the positives of finding ways to reduce PSA levels.

Research shows that you can lower your PSA levels and reduce your chances of developing prostate cancer (or prevent the recurrence of prostate cancer if you have already had it) by changing your lifestyle, starting with a healthy diet and minimising stress levels.


Foods and nutrients you can’t afford to be without

A healthy eating plan with enough nutrients, vitamins and minerals can give prostate cells a boost in the right direction. A diet full of whole foods, healthy fats, vegetables, fruits and lean proteins may decrease the chances of getting cancer. Green tea, cruciferous vegetables and foods containing vitamin C should not be missed.

At the same time, try to avoid alcohol, salt, refined carbohydrates, sugars and processed foods.


Men who are physically active on a regular basis have a somewhat lower risk of prostate carcinoma. The more vigorous the activity, the better the results, particularly in reducing the likelihood of advanced prostate cancer.

However, it is recommended to refrain from exercise, such as cycling, for a few days or at least 24 hours before the PSA test, as this may cause higher than normal values to appear.

Another aspect to consider is that with stress, PSA levels increase. Meditation, yoga, deep breathing and physical activity can help regulate PSA levels.

A final habit to incorporate is sunbathing with adequate protection and at off-peak hours. The more time you spend exposed to sunlight, the more vitamin D your body stores.

A deficiency of this vitamin is linked to an increased risk of prostate cancer, so avoid deficiency. In addition to sunbathing, nutrition is key (it is present in eggs and fish, and can also be taken as a supplement).


When choosing a supplement, it is advisable to focus on those with a high proportion of natural ingredients. Another aspect to consider is their silica content. Silica helps fight free radicals, is a powerful antioxidant and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It is therefore highly effective in slowing down the cellular ageing process which, in some cases, leads to diseases of the prostate or other organs.

In this way, by taking care of your diet, habits and focusing on exercise, relaxation and the use/consumption of natural products you can gain in health. Now that you know why your PSA goes up and down, it’s time to take control of your life and fill your daily life with healthy habits.

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