The Company
¿Who are we?
Mission and Vision
Our continuous development, methods, and scientific tests further strengthen our integral concept of quality. We are based on the principles of natural medicine, in the sense that the body regenerates and heals itself if it has the right nutrients.
Agriculture and food processing in our modern world greatly compromise the availability of certain essential nutrients. "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food," the ancients used to say. Fortunately, the body has amazing regenerative mechanisms which, combined with a psychic and emotional balance, make it possible to use medicines only in very specific cases.
What makes our products different?
Quality control
What makes our services different?
Customers and loyalty
More than 30 years of scientific research has resulted in an exceptional range of products that meet the highest standards of safety, bioavailability, and efficacy. Scientific and technological progress, on which Dr. Loïc Le Ribault and other specialists have always relied, is fundamental. The development, but above all the dissemination of his work, writings and works remain our company's primary mission.
- J.C Alonso, “Dosage of collagen neo-synthesis”- Institut d’Expertise Clinique Espagne, 2008.
- " Evaluación de un complemento dietetico sobre los dolores articulares con la adicción de un gel" - INFORME FINAL, SILAIE Protocolo n°PEC11012. Realizado por: BC, Merieux Nutriscience.
- " Evaluación de Silicium G5 sobre parámetros de salud ósea sobre células óseas (fibroblastos y osteoblastos) " - Estudio realizado por Dr Josep Mª del Bas. 2014. Centro tecnológico. Facultad de Medicina y ciencias de la salud. Universidad Rovira I Virgili (Spain).
- Estudio sobre el SILICIUM ORGANICO (ref.: G5) y la celulítis - (Estudio N° EF080138) - Institut d'Expertise Clinique Espagne.
- Anti-Aging Effects of Monomethylsilanetriol and Maltodextrin-Stabilized Orthosilicic Acid on Nails, Skin and Hair. Dr.Anderson Oliveira Ferreira. 2018