Loïc le Ribault y el silicio orgánico

Our origins

Loïc Le Ribault and the Organic Silicon   

Loïc le Ribault, the dissident scientist

Loïc le Ribault (1947 - 2007)  studied silica in all its scientific aspects for more than 30 years. In two articles published in 1972 by the Academy of Sciences, Le Ribault demonstrates that certain quartz crystals contain on their surface an amorphous layer of silica, which is soluble in water. After studying thousands of samples, he establishes the frequent presence of microorganisms, as bacteria and diatoms, on the surface of certain grains of sand [I].
Later he demonstrates that the superficial amorphization of dendritic quartz is caused by the combined action of these microorganisms, by means of organic acid which they secrete and mechanical and/or chemical actions characteristic for the sedimentary environment were they evolve [II].

In order to study more deeply the role of the microorganisms in the biologic silica cycle, Le Ribault creates, in1975, a procedure that allows collecting silica deposits produced by the action of the microorganisms. Afterward, it will be demonstrated that these obtained solutions contain a significant percentage of silica in organic form. During these experiments was successfully discovered the therapeutic efficiency of organic silica.

Formula silicio
*Silicic acid stabilized through a chemical component
At that time, Le Ribault was suffering from psoriasis, that was considered incurable and was affecting his both hands and his nails. After removing with his hand's grains of sand rich in organic silica, in order to study them with an electronic microscope, he was surprised to notice that, after few days, psoriasis disappeared from his right hand. Intrigued, he began searching for a cause-effect relation, realizing the same operation with his left hand in the same silica solution and obtaining the same result. As a consequence of this, Le Ribault begins to analyze the role of organic silica in treating skin conditions, creating, in collaboration with other doctors, hundreds of tests till 1982 with very positive results.

During this period of time, he perfections the method of natural extraction of organic silica, from certain types of endritic silica sand providing to other professionals solutions of therapeutic use that, historically, can be qualified as G3 (third generation). Surprised, the doctors determine rapidly that the treated patients affirm to be relieved from the joint pain, feeling much better. By means of blood analysis it was also demonstrated that in case of those affected by viral disorders, the improvement is rapid. In other words, the organic silica seems to act positively in a multitude of diseases.



Le Ribault demonstrates that certain quartz crystals contain on their surface a film of amorphous silica soluble in water. After studying thousands of samples, he demonstrates the frequent presence of microorganisms such as bacteria and diatoms on the surface of certain sand grains.
Roca de silicio


He developed a procedure to collect the silica deposits produced by the action of these microorganisms. It will later be shown that these solutions thus obtained contain an important percentage of silica in an organic form. It was during these experiments that he fortuitously discovered the therapeutic efficacy of the preparations.
Beneficio Silicio en las manos


He suffers from a psoriasis considered incurable which affects his two hands and his nails. After stirring with his hands some sands very rich in organic silicon, he had positive effects on his hands. As a result, Le Ribault became interested in the role of organic silicon and, in collaboration with doctors, carried out hundreds of tests with very positive results.

The collaboration Duffaut - Le Ribault

In 1982, the chemist Duffaut and the Dr. le Ribault  have met during a scientific event in Bordeaux. Duffaut was for several years analysing a synthetic molecule of organic silica. Le Ribault was heading a very sophisticated microanalysis material, as he created the famous microanalysis laboratory CARME.

Immediately the both scientists initiated their collaboration on the therapeutic application of organic silica. The next year, the collaboration of the scientists led to the synthesis of a very efficient molecule in the treatment of viral diseases: he G4 called DNV, obtained by adding sodium hyposulphite. During almost a decade, Duffaut and Le Ribault accumulate evidence of the high-efficiency of the organic components in treating a high number of diseases.

They were treating costless hundreds of patients trying, year after year, to improve the organic silica solutions. En 1985 Loïc Le Ribault deposit n of the scientists led to the synthesis of a very efficient molecule in the treatment of viral diseases: he G4 called DNV, obtained by adding sodium hyposulphite. During almost a decade, Duffaut and Le Ribault accumulate evidence of the high-efficiency of the organic components in treating a high number of diseases. They were treating costless hundreds of patients trying, year after year, to improve the organic silica solutions.
Loïc le Ribault
Albert Duffaut

After the death of Duffaut, Le Ribault continues the work alone. Till then, the organic silica solutions were exclusively for external topic use, and in order to activate them, it was necessary to add small quantities of products used in allopathy and homeopathy, which were selected in a special way according to every disease. They were presenting many problems as a short lifetime, because over time they were precipitating and polymerizing, becoming unstable. In 1994 Le Ribault creates a new molecule, tested for 3 years, which had an advantage: the lack of need to add more drugs in order to reinforce its effect. The molecule was more effective than the precedent ones and also was totally stable. Over time it will be demonstrated that the molecule maintains its stability during years and can also be used orally during lots of time. Its toxicity, a big problem for the precedent types of silica is equivalent to the toxicity of the water. According to Le Ribault, the monomethylsilanetriol molecule of organic silica is atomically unstable, because of its constant reorganization and it also presents a high vibration force. The fact that such a labile molecule can be stabilized was a great success for this formula. The other improvement which is also a reason of its efficiency is its pureness. Le Ribault obtained a totally organic molecule, a purified one, without any contamination of silandiols or other components which were inevitably founded in the precedent silica solutions. This product was called organic silica of the fifth generation (G5) because of the work which culminated 4 precedent levels trying to stabilize organic molecules of silica.

The monomethylsilanetriol stabilized due to the method of Loïc Le Ribault, demonstrated its therapeutic efficiency. On the other hand, silicic acid is a molecule that is assimilable but, in practice, it tends to polymerize easily becoming inactive or even harmful to the body. However, Dr. Le Ribault, a pioneer in the use of the scanning electron microscope, and also in the study of silica forms in geology, discovered a method of silicic acid stabilization through a chemical component. This is the origin of the so-called G5 Siliplant product, formula created in 2006 and the new generation 2021 Silicium G7 Siliplant Dynamized.

Silicium siliplant y silicium original

The career of Doctor Le Ribault

Diplomas and degrees

Licence ès Lettres, Sorbonne, Paris, 1970

Certificats d’Océanographie, Ecologie et Pédologie, Paris, 1971

Maîtrise de Géographie Physique, Paris, 1971.

Doctorat de Troisième Cycle en Sédimentologie, Orsay, 1973.

Doctorat d’Etat ès Sciences, Orsay, 1980.

Experto en Microanalyse près la Cour d’Appel de Bordeaux, 1984-1991.

Experto en Microanalyse agréé par la Cour de Cassation, Paris, 1988-1991.

Various distinctions

Lauréat de la Fondation de la Vocation (Recherche scientifique), 1972.

Premier Prix National de la Création d’Entreprise Innovante, 1983.

Lauréat du Forum Européen des Créateurs d'Entreprises, 1984.

Aquitain de l’Année, 1987.


  • 1970-1973 : Researcher at the Laboratory of Oceanography at the Orsay University.
  • 1973 - 1981 : Head of Department of Electronic Microscopy at the official headquarter of the Central Laboratory TOTAL.
  • 1981 - 1990 : Founder and General Director of CARME Laboratory (Centre d’Applications et de Recherches en Microscopie Electronique).
  • 1990 - 1993 :International expert in criminalistics, founder of the LE RIBAULT EXPERTISES society.
  • 1993 – 2004 : Independent Researcher in different fields and projects with molecules of therapeutic interest. The launching of the G5. The foundation of the company in Ireland.
  • 2004 - 2007 : In Spain is established the definitive quarter will serve as a base for the future international retail of G5. With the funding of the Spanish company Silicium, it is initiated a successful collaboration that put into practice several projects that were not finished. The most notorious project is the stabilization of the silicic acid through an organic complex called Siliplant.
  • 06/06/2007 : Fallecimiento del Dr.Loïc LE RIBAULT.

Publications and conferences:

Eleven books and a hundred scientific publications (especially in the French Academy of Sciences) dedicated to sedimentology, exoscopy of quartz and microanalysis applied to criminalistics. Around 300 conferences in Europe, the United States, Canada and Africa, in universities, police and gendarmerie units, courts of law, scientific associations, etc.

Loïc le Ribault escirbiendo formula molécula

Published scientific studies

  • 1. LE RIBAULT L. (1970).- Influence des facteurs évolutifs sur l’aspect de surface des grains de quartz. Note préliminaire. Archives originales du Centre de Documentation du C.N.R.S., n° 485, 21 décembre 1970, In-4°, 5 pages.
  • 2. LE RIBAULT L. (1971).- Présence d’une pellicule de silice amorphe à la surface des cristaux de quartz des formations sableuses. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 272, D, pp. 1933-1936.
  • 3. LE RIBAULT L. (1971).- Comportement de la pellicule de silice amorphe sur les cristaux de quartz en fonction des différents milieux évolutifs. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 272, D, pp. 2649-2652.
  • 4. BALTZER F. & LE RIBAULT L. (1971).- Néogenèse de quartz dans les bancs sédimentaires d’un delta tropical : aspect des grains en microscopies électronique et optique. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 273, D, pp. 1083-1086.
  • 5. LE RIBAULT L. & TOURENQ J. (1972).- Mise en évidence de trois types d’apports détritiques dans les Sables et Argiles du Bourbonnais d’après l’examen de la surface des grains de quartz au microscope électronique à balayage. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris.
  • 6. LE RIBAULT L. (1972).- Exoscopie : caractères distinctifs des quartz à évolution fluviatile. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 274, D, pp. 3190-3193.
  • 7. LE RIBAULT L. (1972).- Exoscopie : caractères distinctifs des quartz à évolution marine. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 275, D, pp. 735-738.
  • 8. HUBSCHMAN J. & LE RIBAULT L. (1972).- Détermination, par exoscopiedes quartz, de l’origine des limons quaternaires dans le Sud-Est du Bassin Aquitain. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 275, D, pp. 1477-1480.
  • 9. LE RIBAULT L. (1972).- La mémoire des grains de sable. La Recherche, n° 28, novembre, pp. 985-987.
  • 10. LE RIBAULT L. (1973).- L’EXOSCOPIE, méthode de détermination des évolutions subies par les grains de quartz au cours de leur histoire géologique, par l’étude de leurs aspects de surface au microscope électronique à balayage. Thèse de doctorat de Troisième Cycle.
  • 11. LE RIBAULT L. (1974).- Exoscopie et endoscopie des quartz d’origine détritique. Società Italiana de Mineralogia e Petrologia, Milan (Italie), vol. XXX, pp. 373-416.
  • 12. BARBEY C., CARBONNEL J.-P., LE RIBAULT L. & YOURENQ J. (1974).- Mise en évidence par exoscopie des quartz de plusieurs épisodes éoliens au cours du Quaternaire mauritanien. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 278, D, pp. 1163-1166.
  • 13. LE RIBAULT L. (1974).- L’exoscopie, méthode de détermination de l’histoire géologique des quartz détritiques. Revue de Géographie Physique et de Géologie Dynamique, (2), vol. XVI, fasc. 1, pp. 119-130.
  • 14. LEGIGAN Ph. & LE RIBAULT L. (1974).- Evolution des quartz dans un podzol humo-ferrugineux développé sur le Sable des Landes. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 279, D, pp. 799-802.

  • 15. LE RIBAULT L. (1974).- L’histoire d’un grain de sable révélée par l’exoscopie au microscope électronique à balayage. Bulletin de l’Association szq Professeurs de Biologie et Géologie, n° 3, fasc. 214, pp. 375-385.
  • 16. LE RIBAULT L. (1975).- Application de l’exoscopiedes quartz à quelques échantillons prélevés en Manche Orientale. Phil. Trans. Royal Society of London A., 277, pp. 277-286.
  • 17. L’exoscopiedes quartz détritiques au microscope électronique à balayage. Volume des communications du IX ème Congrès International de Sédimentologie (Nice), thème 3, pp. 61-68.
  • 18. AUBERT D. & LE RIBAULT L. (1975).- Quartz du pied du Jura. Bulletin de la Société Vaudoise de Sciences Naturelles, Lausanne (Suisse), n° 348, vol. 72, pp. 231-240.
  • 19. BARBEY C., CARBONNEL J.-P., DUPLAIX S., LE RIBAULT L. & TOURENQ J. (1975).- Etude sédimentologique de formations dunaires en Mauritanie Occidentale. Bulletin de l’Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire, Dakar (Sénégal), t. 37, sér. A, n° 2, pp. 255-281.
  • 20. LE RIBAULT L. (1975).- L’exoscopie, méthode et applications. Notes et Mémoires de la Compagnie Française des Pétroles, n° 12, 230 pages, 450 photographies (Epuisé).
  • 21. ALOISI J.-C., CHARLET J.-M., LE RIBAULT L. & WIBER M. (1976).- Données nouvelles sur la thermoluminescence des grains de quartz détritiques ; comparaison avec leur examen au M.E.B. et à la microsonde. Volume de résumés des communications de la 4 ème Réunion.
  • 22. LEGIGAN Ph. & LE RIBAULT L. (1976).- Sur les mécanismes de sédimentation du complexe détritique continental plio-quaternaire des Landes de Gascogne révélés par l’exoscopie des quartz. Bulletin de l’Institut de Géologie du Bassin d’Aquitaine, n° 20, pp. 3-23.
  • 23. HOYEZ B. & LE RIBAULT L. (1976).- Caractères exoscopiques de quartz provenant de grès numidiens tyrrhéniens et de grès glauconieux de Sicile Centro-Occidentale. Annales de la Société Géologique du Nord, t. XCVI, pp. 193-197.
  • 24. LERIBAULTL. (1977).- Egzoskopia : metoda okreslania geologicznej preszloscik warcow detrytycznych (en polonais). Kwartalnik Geologiczny, Varsovie (Pologne), t. 21, n° 1, pp. 175-193.
  • 25. LE RIBAULT L. (1977).- L’exoscopie des quartz, Editions Masson, Paris, 200 pages, 170 photographies (Epuisé).
  • 26. M’RABET A. & LE RIBAULT L. (1978).- Analyse exoscopique des séquences sableuses du Barrémien (formation Boudinar) de la Tunisie Centrale. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 286, D, pp. 399-402.
  • 27. CLOCCHIATTI R., RODRIGO L. A. & LE RIBAULT L. (1978).- Endoscopie et exoscopie de grains de quartz des formations du Pliocène et du Quaternaire de La Paz (Bolivie). Cahiers O.R.S.T.O.M., série Géologie, vol. X, n° 1, pp. 127-143.
  • 28. LE RIBAULT L. (1978).- The exoscopy of quartz sand grains. Scanning Electron Microscopy in the Study of Sediments, Swansea (Grande-Bretagne), pp. 319-328.

  • 29. HOUTMANN A. & LE RIBAULT L. (1979).- Evolution des quartz - Exoscopie. In “La Mer Pélagienne”, Annales de l’Université de Provence, tome VI, n° 1, pp. 130-138.
  • 30. LE RIBAULT L. & TASTET J.-P. (1979).- Apports de l’exoscopie des quartz à la détermination de l’origine des dépôts quaternaires littoraux de Côte d’Ivoire. Comptes rendus du 1978 International Symposium on Coastal Evolution in the Quaternary, e I.G.C.P., Project 61, Sao-Paulo
  • 31. LE RIBAULT L. & VILLAIN J.-M. (1979).- Essai sur l’écologie des Foraminifères dans les milieux intertidaux actuels de la côte Nord-Aquitaine (France). Comptes rendus du 104 ème Congrès National des Sociétés Savantes, Bordeaux, fasc. III, pp. 51-62.
  • 32. LE RIBAULT L. (1980).- Exoscopiedes quartz : fiches signalétiques et interprétation des principaux caractères phénomorphiques. Thèse de doctorat d’Etat ès Sciences, Université Paris-Sud (Centre d’Orsay), 7 juin, 427 pages.
  • 33. LIZON-SUREAU B., CLOCCHIATTI R. & LE RIBAULT L. (1980).- Paléoenvironnementvolcano-sédimentaire du Pithécantrope de Java au Pléistocène moyen dans la région de Sangiran (Java Central). Vol. rés. Comm. de la 8 ème Réunion Annuelle des Sciences de la Terre, Marseille.
  • 34. GIRESSE P. & LE RIBAULT L. (1981).- Contribution de l’étude exoscopiquedes quartz à la reconstitution paléogéographique des derniers épisodes du Quaternaire littoral du Congo. QuaternaryResearch, 15, pp. 86-100.
  • 35. PELRAS M. & LE RIBAULT L. (1981).- Certains microbes jouent-ils un rôle dans les phénomènes de silicification ? Rev. de Géographie Physique et de Géologie Dynamique, vol. 23, fasc. 2, pp. 151-160.
  • 36. HAMOUMI N., LE RIBAULT L. & PELHATE A. (1981).- Les Schistes du Cosquer (Ordovicien supérieur, Massif armoricain occidental) : une formation glacio-marine à la périphérie d’un inlandsis ordovicien. Bulletin de la Société géologique de France, (7), t. XXIII, n° 3, pp. 279-286.
  • 37. LE RIBAULT L. (1984).- L’exoscopiedes quartz : une méthode pour déterminer l’histoire des grains de sable. Bulletin de la société d’Anthropologie du Sud-Ouest, Tome XIX, n° 2, pp. 123-137.
  • 38. LEGIGAN Ph. & LE RIBAULT L. (1987).- Exoscopiedes quartz : application à la reconstitution des environnements sédimentaires. Géologie de la Préhistoire, éditions Géopré, pp. 499-517.
  • 39. LEGIGAN Ph., LE RIBAULT L & MONTRON S. (1989).- Exoscopiedes quartz fluviatiles. Délai d’acquisition des caractères de la surface des grains au long du cours d’une rivière. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 309, Série II, pp. 575-581.
  • 40. LEGIGAN Ph., LE RIBAULT L. & MISKOVSKY (1989).- L’histoire des grains de sable, Association pour l’étude de l’environnement géologique de la préhistoire et des interactions entre l’Homme et son cadre de vie, éditions Géopré, 20 diapositives avec fascicule-commentaire illustré.

Revistas Dsalud

Articles published by DSalud magazine (Dsalud 74 and Dsalud 98) about Loïc Le Ribault and Silicium Spain Laboratorios S.L.U.

Revistas medicina holística

Two articles published by the Association of Complementary Medicines in the journal "Medicina Holística": The resistance of Loïc Le Ribault (Number 55 and 56) 

Periodista Martin J. Walker

Article by writer, journalist, and activist Martin J. Walker on traditional and contemporary uses of silica in human health

[i] LE RIBAULT L. (1971).- Comportement de la pellicule de silice amorphe sur les cristaux de quartz en fonction des différents milieux évolutifs. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 272, D, pp. 2649-2652.
[ii] LE RIBAULT L. (1971).- Présence d’une pellicule de silice amorphe à la surface des cristaux de quartz des formations sableuses. Comptes rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris, 272, D, pp. 1933-1936.

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